chapter four

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The Rest of the week was the same as the first day. During school I sat before Jess and sometimes I would get a sarcastic comment from him. And everyday I became more confused about my feelings. "I am happy with Rory, right? But I've never felt these butterflies before. But maybe I'm just confused. I'm straight, right? Right?"

After school I tried to do my homework, but my mind wanedered off to a certain boy with dark hair and green eyes. "For fucks sake, concentrate or do you want to drop out of school?!", he reminded himself. But it was hopeless.

Even at work he couldn't concentrate. That of course Made Taylor suspicious. "Dean, I said I want to have the beans next to the Corn and not over there." he informed impatient. "You are so unfocused today." He looked at me, as if he could read the reason why I am this way on my face. He started smiling. " I know what's wrong.

It's about Rory, isn't it? Do you two have a fight or something?" I looked at him. If he knew how wrong he was. " No, no we are good. Everything's fine." I assured him. " You know when I was your age...", but I never heard what happened, because At this Moment someone came in. I started with: " Hello, how can...", when I saw, who it was. " Hey Dean!", my girlfriend said happy and hugged me.

There was this guilty conscience, that I felt since Jess came to the town. I was not a good boyfriend. Instead of spending time with her, I just thought about Jess.

I smiled at her, but I knew it wouldn't reach my eyes. "Hi, what are you doing here?", I asked her curiously. "Oh, I am just showing Jess the Town And I wanted to Start with the best Shop in town, with the nicest employet of the wo..." "Wait, who are you with?" I interrupted her. " Hey, Dosey Boy", I froze at the Sound of the familiar voice. Am I just a joke to fate or why am I meeting this boy everywhere I go? And if this wasn't bad enough, I always make myself to completly fool.

I turned to the familiar voice. That can’t be true , am I just a joke for the universe or why does fate let me meet him everywhere I go, while he wasn’t even leaving my mind. I looked in those adorable eyes of his, which seemed to be filled with something I couldn’t quite recognise.

Was it amusement or just his usual sarcastic glint. I wasn’t sure but I figured out, that I should act normal to collect at least the rest of my dignity. “Hi, Jess”, I said coldly, before turning to my girlfriend again. “Do you two already know each other?”, she asked me confused about my coldness. Usually I was nicer to other people. As I wanted to answer her, Jess was faster than me. “Ah yes. Dosey Boy and I know each other.

We go to the same class”, he informed her. “Dosey Boy?”, Rory repeated with a questioning voice. “Is that a secret code or something I should know about?” She asked with an amused smile on her lips.

I swear to god if Jess is going to make a complete fool of me in front of her, with some weird comment, I’m going to throw a box of beans after him. Maybe I should answer this question to save the beans, but of course Jess was again faster than me. “Oh you now, it’s just a nickname for our Deano here, because let’s be honest it suits him better than Dean”, he pronounced my name like a sickness he could get by simply saying it. This boy is getting more unsympathetic by each passing minute.

I rolled my eyes and played cool. “Yeah you know just boy things.” “ Wow the bar of your humour is on the floor”, she countered. Well she was sometimes pretty honest, but she was of course right. Not that I would admit that. “And how did you two met each other”, I asked to change the topic.

Rory smiled again “You know I was at Luke’s to get some coffee and he introduced me to Jess who happened to be quite nice. We talked a little bit and discovered that we both love to read...”” Really?”, I asked while looking suspicious at Jess and telling  him: “I didn’t know you could read”.

He seemed a little bit surprised about this comeback, but shot back with: “Ouw. That hurt. Well I didn’t know someone had enough pity with you to date you, but I guess we are both surprised.” Wow he really was almost more sarcastic than Rory or just meaner. Sometimes it’s hard to find the difference.

But this comment seemed to throw her out of track. “Hey, what the hell. Calm down both of you”, she demanded. “We’re just joking, right Dosey Boy?”, Jess assured her, but there was still this glint in his eyes, which showed that this was just a sick sort of game for him. “of course we’re just joking”, I said confident and calm. Well at least I tried.

But at this moment I decided that he wasn’t wirth to think about. He doesn’t like me so I won’t like him. Maybe that would be easier than those weird feelings I usually felt around him .”Nevermind. So you wanted to show off your perfect boyfriend at work. Well what are you heading to next?” I asked Rory with the goal to get Jess out of the store and away from me.

She looked at me with suspicion, but understood it would be best to drop the subject. “Well, It’s Stars Hollow we go three times left and are at the middle of the city again. So I thought we could go to the bookstore and maybe I could inform him about the newest gossip on the way. You know, to keep him on track, but I doubt I could reach the accuracy of Miss Patty and Babett.” She said.

I laughed quietly:” That’s true but I think no one can reach this level of detective behaviour. I guess then, Have fun”, I said before kissing her purposely long and intense.“I’ll call you when my shift is over”, I whispered in her ear, knowing that there were clear green eyes trying to burn their way in my back. “Alright”, she smiled before kissing me on the cheek and whispering:”You’re such a show off.

You don’t need to be jealous.” I guess she’s confused because I usually didn’t show this much intimacy around other people, but I needed to show Jess, that she wasn’t because of pity with me.

And showing him that he doesn’t have any chance with her was just another advantage. “See you around Jess”, I said to him, happy seeing that the glint in his eyes became a little less intense. He should learn I’m the wrong person to mess around with. I’m Rather his enemy than the idiot who is stumbling over his own words, when he was around. Even when my heart hurt a little bit at the thought of Jess hating me. But maybe now I can get him out of my mind.
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