④ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴇᴀɢᴜᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴꜱ

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"Well, do you like soba?" (Name) asked again. "Yeah! Its my favorite!" Shoto replied with sparkles in his eyes. "Well, that's settled! We're going to the League of Villains!" (Name) exclaimed.


As (Name) and Shoto walked along the path towards the League of Villains establishment, they decides to have some small talk to make the journey not so awkward and to get to know each other. 'These are the awkward parts in Disney movies they don't show you.' (Name) thought, as he tried looking for a topic to talk about. 

"Uh, this might be a sensitive topic but, how did you get that scar on your face?" (Name) asked, he was very curious about the half and half's scar. Shoto hesitated slightly, but saw no harm in telling the thief his past. "The old man said my mother poured hot boiling water on me as an infant. He said I could've been the most attractive male he knew, if it wasn't for this stupid scar." he explained, lightly touching his scarred left side, asTakashi began rubbing his head on Shoto's cheek, hoping to comfort the male.

 (Name) suddenly stopped walking, turning towards the half and half, "Hey don't say that! All scars are beautiful! Everyone has scars, some are visible, some aren't. Yet, they each tell a story, they are healed wounds, they show your strength to have endured that much pain." (Name) explained with a warm smile, while caressing Shoto's scarred face.

Shoto blushed a bright red, from being touch starved his whole life and receiving very few compliments, after all his father was an asshole. He slowly leaned into (Name)'s touch, enjoying the feeling of being cared for and the warmth radiating from the (Hair Color) haired male's palm. Takashi noticed his daydream-like state, hoping to stop the half and half from further embarrassment, he gently nudged him on the cheek, snapping him out of it.

"Ahem, i-it looks like we've arrived at the League of Villains establishment." Shoto quickly leaned away, already missing the warmth from the hand. "Ah, it looks like we have!" (Name) exclaimed, while looking at a sign that read 'The League of Villains Establishment' at the front of a small cabin.

The duo began walking towards the entrance, "Your finest table please!" (Name) exclaimed. He glanced around and noticed that everyone within the small cabin looked to be.. well.. Villains. As they both nervously began walking inside, a blonde girl with two buns atop her head grabbed Shoto's long hair, "That's a lot of hair you got there!" the girl enthusiastically exclaimed with a sadistic smile on her face. 'Guess Shoto won't be getting that Best Soba from these parts of the woods.' (Name) thought to himself, observing the people currently surrounding them.

"He's, uh, growing it out" he tried to explain, meanwhile Shoto was even more on guard and quickly tried gathering all his long hair, while pointing his frying pan to everyone within the room. "Hehehe, hey Shoto, maybe we should get out of this place...!" as they were slowly inching towards the door, it suddenly slammed shut.

"Is this you?" a muscular middle-aged man with blonde hair and stitches across his forehead asked, while holding a wanted poster with (Name)'s face and name on it. (Name) stared at the drawing of himself, and inched closer to take a better look, "Now that's just being rude!" (Name) pointed as his very inaccurate nose.

"Oh, it's him all right, Magne, go find some guards! That rewards gonna buy me a new hand.." a light blue-haired man proclaimed, with very crusty skin and a withered hand placed on top of his face. "I could use the money!" the blonde man from earlier replied, "What about me? I'm broke!" the blonde girl with buns whined, dragging out the 'e'. 

After those exclamations, everyone in the cabin began fighting for (Name), well, more specifically, his reward money. They began pulling and tugging at him, "Hey! Stop it! Let him go!" Shoto exclaimed trying to stop the villains from hurting (Name), 'So they don't sell soba here?" Shoto thought, quite saddened he won't be able to eat his favorite dish. Snapping out of his thoughts, he then began hitting them with his frying pan, which was ineffective, "Give me back my guide!" Shoto screamed. 'Ouch, that hurt.' (Name) thought to himself, as the villains continued fighting for him.

They then began pinning him up against a wall, while the man with a hand on his face readied his fist for a strong punch to (Name)'s face. Shoto glanced around the room, quickly trying to search for a way to help his new acquaintance. He then spotted a branch coming out of a window from a tree outside, he quickly wrapped his long hair around it and pulled it back.

He then let go of his hair, which was pulling on the branch. The branch the ricocheted from the force of the pulling, hitting the 'hand man' straight on top of hid head. Shoto gave him that lovely nickname.

"Let go of him!" Shoto shouted, all eyes were now on him. "Look, I don't know where I am, and I need him to take me to see the lanterns, because I've been dreaming about them my whole life!" Shoto explained, "Find your humanity! Haven't any of you had a dream before?" he asked.

The 'hand man' then began walking towards him, taking out a sword from his sheath located at his back. Shoto began walking backwards, still not letting his guard down. The 'hand man' placed the sword near his neck, making him lean back even further, not wanting a new scar to form. The 'hand man' then looked to the side day fondly, "I, had a dream once".

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚌 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now