①③ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴜꜱᴜᴛᴀꜰᴜ

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He raised his hoof up, making (Name) shake it. Both glaring at each other, pouts present on their faces. Shoto looked at them as they stared each other down, a content sigh escaping his lips.


As the two continued their glaring contest, loud bells could be heard in the background. Shoto walk towards the sound, cutting in between the two 'Frenemies', as he would call them. Akari and (Name) watched as he walked away, before the horse punched (Name) in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground with a groan, clutching his stomach. Akari stared at the male on the ground, a victorious smirk in his lips.

Shoto speed walked towards the bridge, at the end laid the entrance of the Kingdom of Musutafu, his long hair flowing right behind him with Takashi on his shoulder. He excitedly turned around towards the two, turning back and giddily observing the charming view, along with Takashi.

(Name) was right behind the excited male, smiling to himself, as he saw the cute excited expression on Shoto's face. He walked along behind the giddy male, before stopping as he saw a wanted poster of himself displayed along one of the walls along the bridge. Quickly nearing it, he tore the poster off and started crumpling it.

Akari was right behind the male and witnessed the whole thing, glaring at the thief with a disapproving look on his face. (Name) stared at the horse before shoving the crumpled paper up Akari's mouth, making him let out a startled neigh. In return (Name) crossed his hands over his chest, displaying the same victorious smirk he witnessed earlier.

Akari glared at him, before spitting the paper out, landing it right on (Name)'s face, making Akari laugh. (Name) removed the poster from his face, before harshly shoving the horse on his shoulder. And so began 'The Fight of Shoulder Shoving' that lasted about thirty seconds. Before both were stopped by Takashi who was on top of Shoto's head, pointing one of his fingers at them in a warning way. The frenemy duo stopped, but not before they both gave each other one last shove.

Shoto entered the busy town, the town was crowded with merchants, customers, and children. Dark blue triangular pennons hanging from roofs, each pennon with a red and white sun, accompanied by garlands with blue flowers. Flags with the same design as the pennons placed atop of people houses. 

Shoto was absolutely amazed, walking a step forward, before a fast cart almost ran him over, making him bump into a person behind him, as well as startle some geese walking in front of him. He ran to his right, bumping into two people along the way, before he was stopped by his hair, as people were walking on it.

(Name) arrived at the entrance and saw issue Shoto was dealing with, he quickly picked up Shoto's hair near the entrance and started bundling them in his arms, Akari following shortly behind them. (Name) glanced at the Shoto's hair, before hearing a faint giggle from afar, his eyes followed the sound, seeing four little girls braiding each others hair.

He whistled towards them, catching their attention. He gestured to the hair within their arms, immediately the girls let out a gasp and ran towards the three. Shoto then kneeled down on the pavement, as the little girls got to work braiding each long strand of hair, playing a bit while doing so.

(Name) was leaning on a wall, staring at nothing in particular, with Takashi right next to him. He saw guards patrolling behind him in the corner of his eye, immediately ducked down, hiding behind the wall. Waiting 'til they passed by, he glanced back at Shoto, his eyes turning awestruck.

Shoto looked at his back, amazed at the little girls work, not only did they braid his hair, they also decorated it with beautiful flowers. Shoto twirled around, thanking the girls, as they stared proudly at their work.

(Name) continued to stare at Shoto in amazement, before Akari snapped him out with a nicker, his face right in front of the male with a shit-eating grin plastered on it. (Name) shoved Akari away, a small smile on his face, making the horse and Takashi laugh.

(Name) and Shoto decided to stop by the market, falling inline in front of one of the merchants. (Name) taking the lead, while the other was right behind him. Shoto waited patiently in line, before getting bored of the waiting and observed his surroundings, looking for something interesting to keep him occupied.

He glanced behind him, his eyes landing on a big beautiful mural of what seemed to look like the Royal Family as kids. A single mother, also known as the Queen, held a familiar looking baby, with three other kids surrounding her feet. His eyes moved down, seeing many different types of flowers being offered hearing a little "Its for the lost prince!" from a family placing down a bouquet of blue roses.

He looked up again towards the mural, as he heard that. His eyes growing fond as he stared at the Royal Family, before glancing back towards the familiar baby. The baby's hair was uniquely split in half, with heterochromic eyes. He snapped out of his staring, as he saw a group of minstrels about to perform.

Just as (Name) finished buying food for them, he turned back to see Shoto spinning around and dancing in the middle of the town square, a giant sun painted on the rocks of the pathway. He danced towards a little boy, pulling him with him, in a silent invite to join him in dancing.

The two spun around for a bit before Shoto danced towards another person, pulling him away from the crowd, as they both started dancing. He did this for a while, pulling people along with him, as they synchronized in dancing and clapping to the beat.

(Name) stared at Shoto with a smile, arms crossed over his chest. Akari standing behind him with Takashi on his saddle. Shoto spotted (Name) amongst the crowd of viewers, doing a 'come here' sign, as an invitation to join him. (Name) apologetically waved his hand, seeing as he wasn't really a dancer. Seeing this,  Akari groaned, using behind and shoving (Name) into the crowd of dancers.

(Name) momentarily glared at the horse, before being pulled away by someone, Akari laughing at the scene. (Name) managed to escape that person momentarily, and bought a handkerchief as a souvenir for Shoto, the same sun design located in the middle. After his purchase Shoto walked up to him, he handed him his purchase. Shoto looked at it with an amazed and thankful look before he raised it up towards the sky, with (Name) right behind him. Shoto noticed the handkerchief had the same design as the pennons.

The pair immediately went back to dancing after, Shoto was dancing with a woman and reached his hand out towards (Name), wanting to dance with him. (Name) did same, reaching his hand out. Both hands almost touched, before two others got in the middle and pulled them away from each other. Both stared at each other, a small sad smile on their faces, as they continued dancing with their new partners.

Taking a short break from dancing, Shoto suggested they painted some floor art, some kids joining him. He painted a bright beautiful sun mural, matching the symbol that was placed everywhere in the town.

After their short break, the duo walked back towards the town square, buying some cupcakes along the way. They spotted more guards patrolling the area, making the both hide behind a stone doorway. Accompanying them were cupcakes in hand each hand, blushes on their faces, a shy grin, and being only a couple inches apart.

The two then decided to enter a library along the way, (Name) showing Shoto all of his favorite books that were surprisingly located in this magical place. After finishing a few short stories, the duo continued their journey and made it back to the town square.

The people of the town were dancing in an elegant sun-like formation. As the music was about to end, Shoto started with his eyes closed, (Name) seeing this danced closer, wanting to make sure he was okay. They both continued dancing closer, before bumping into each other. (Name) hand found themselves on Shoto's waist, while Shoto had one on his chest, their other hands holding onto each other. They stared into each other's eyes, exhausted from the dancing, yet happy they finally got to dance with the other, even if it was only for a second.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚌 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now