①⑥ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ

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"(Name)?" he whispered to himself, shock written on his face, the fog clearing slightly to reveal a familiar silhouette of his companion. His hands on the stirring wheel, as he escaped back towards the kingdom.


"(NAME)!" Shoto screamed again, watching as the boat floated farther and farther away. "Fair trade, a crown for the boy with magic hair.." Tetsuo explained, walking behind Shoto and grazing his hand over his braided hair.

Shocked from the sudden touch, he immediately turned around and glared at the two taller twins. "How much do you think someone would pay to not only stay young and healthy forever, but also have their deepest desires fulfilled?" Tetsuo asked, glancing back towards his brother, before taking out a large sack from behind his back and slowly walking towards their victim.

Shoto widened his eyes, before quickly turning around and running away from the two, slightly tripping from the rough terrain along the way. He jumped over a fallen log, fastening his pace, before his long braided hair got caught between the tree's branches.

He let out a loud yelp, turning around, he pulled at his long hair. He winced at the stinging on his scalp, yet continued pulling on his hair. He continued pulling on his hair, until a faint thud and groan caught his ears, stopping his actions.

"Shoto?!" a familiar voice called out from nearby. "Father?" he murmured to himself, eyes squinting and breathe steadying. He cautiously walked towards the sound of the voice, his eyes meeting the sight of his father panting and the twins knocked out on the ground, burn marks visible on their unconscious bodies.

"Oh, my dear son." Enji exclaimed, eyes filled with ease at the sight of his son safe. "Father.." Shoto exclaimed softly, his feet quickly taking him towards his father's arms. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Enji asked, examining his son's body of any injuries, eyes filled with worry.

"Father, how did you.." Shoto asked, quickly being cut off by the other, "I was so worried about you, son." he explained, tucking a hair behind Shoto's ear. "So I followed you, and I saw them attack you and.." he continued, not finishing his sentence, as he embraced Shoto into a tight hug.

His eyes glanced back down at the unconscious bodies, "Oh, we better go, before they come too." he hurriedly stated, quickly pulling Shoto's arm away from the scene.

Shoto slipped his arm away from his father's tight grip, his eyes moving back towards the dark sea. The boat now a black blur, as it sailed farther from his reach. His body seemed to move on it's own, taking him closer to the shore. He continued to stare at the leaving boat, as tears started to form in his beautiful heterochromic eyes.

A familiar warm glow caught his attention, slowly turning back, he saw his father holding up a lantern, waiting for him at the edge of the shore. Enji gently put the lantern down, opening his arms for a warm hug, a comforting smile plastered on his face.

Shoto let out a quiet sob, before running to his father and welcoming his body to the familiar parental warmth of his father's arms. "You were right, father. You were right about everything." he continued to sob in his father's embrace, feeling his heart being torn apart. 

"I know, son. I know." Enji replied, petting Shoto's hair, as he reached down and picked up the lantern. He turned the two around, placing his arm around Shoto's shoulder, as they proceeded to walk back to their tower, Shoto letting out small hiccups along the way.


The boat had arrived at the docks, the sail scraping the wood and alerting the palace guards. "Look!" one of them exclaimed, "The crown!" the other continued. Their eyes catching the sight of (Name) (Last Name), his hands tightly tied to the stirring wheel and back tied to the sail's pole behind him. The crown glistening in the moonlight, as it sat in on top of the ropes of (Name)'s tied up hands.

Seeming to have woken up from the loud noises, "Shoto.." (Name) groggily murmured. His half lidded eyes slowly glanced down to his tied up hands, seeing this, his senses immediately heightened. "Shoto!" he yelled, as his ears heard the sound of rapid footsteps approaching him.

Akari sat near the dock, waiting patiently for the two's arrival, when his ears caught the sound of a familiar voice. "No! Wait! Please!" (Name) yelled, causing the horse to nicker in confusion. His eyes followed the sound of the familiar voice, only to see the sight of (Name), struggling against a few guards, as they dragged him away, making Akari quietly walk closer.

"SHOTO!" he yelled again, catching Akari's attention, he looked back at the direction the boat came from, his eyes furrowing worriedly, as he stared at the dark foggy island across from him.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚌 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now