【ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ】

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Hellooo ima make some of these explained chapters to basically tell you some of the backstory for each character. I'll definitely change some of the basic plot to make it a bit more interesting and to also fit the main character. If you have better ideas for some of the upcoming characters or would like to change some of the plot feel free to comment or PM me. If the plot confuses you just tell me and I'll try my best to explain it better. I got all of this from a Film Theory video about Frozen lmao.

Also, this was wayyy longer than what I was planning.


Enji Todoroki has always wanted to be the ruler of The Kingdom of Musutafu, he was a power greedy orphan who raised through the ranks of nobility through not so pleasant ways. He tricked the current King into allowing an arranged marriage with him and Rei, the King's oldest child.

The arranged marriage soon led to Rei giving birth to three children, Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo. During him and his wife's reign of the Kingdom, he tried multiple times to kill Touya, the oldest child. His original plan was to slowly murder his family 'til he was the only other person fit to be king.

However, this had incredibly failed when he misplaced the poison in Touya's drink into his pregnant wife's. He didn't want to kill her, as his own kid's already grew quite suspicious of him, if he were to kill her first he'd be their first suspect as he was the only person she frequently interacted with on a daily basis, other than her kids. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer was his life time motto, after all.

Through Rei's sickness, Enji started researching more about monarchies and also possible cures to her illness. He soon found out that it didn't matter if he did happened to kill his entire family. As the line of succession worked like this, 'If the king and queen were to hand down the throne, it'd be to the oldest child, if that person were to resign the throne or die, it would be passed down to the second oldest child. If all the children of the previous rulers were to die, it would be passed down to the oldest blood relative.' he read in a book.

No matter how much he'd kill there would still be someone out their with a higher chance of being a King than him, because they had something he didn't.. Royal Blood. After he found out about this information he started giving up on being a King. After all, he couldn't possibly kill Rei's entire side of the family and even if he did, the palace guards would soon catch on and lock him in the dungeons.

He slammed the book shut and looked around the library, trying to find something to read to get his mind off his defeat. His legs took him to the older part of the library, it was filled with hundreds of dusty unused books that were probably older than him.

His hand reached out towards a particular book, dusting it off and opening it to a random page. Soon finding out it was an old journal about a supposed magical flower, an entire journal about it, its whereabouts and a couple of drawings and old pictures. "THE SUNDROP FROM THE HEAVENS, a magical flower located just across this very kingdom. It has kept me alive for hundreds of years with it's healing magic and has granted my deepest desires, just from a magical song I sing to it. It's power is great, although it does have it's limits. It can't kill, make people fall in love, and bring people back from the dead, and can't transfer it's powers to you. Use this flower wisely, from my own experience it's better to give than to receive, power isn't everything. To the person currently reading this, I wish for you to find it and help bring prosperity to this kingdom, by helping the poor and giving to the sick. If my research is correct, if a person about to give birth ingests the flower, the magic will be transferred to the child in the womb. If people start terrorizing the land in which the flower blooms, please transfer it's power to a trusted female."

It gave more warnings about its power in the next few pages, the song and more things Enji didn't really care about. He ripped a few pages with some exclusive information and proceeded to walk towards the palace guard's quarters. Halfway there, when he was about to reach a crowded area, he began running very quickly, for a more believable entrance, alerting few of the servants.

Reaching the entrance, he started panting heavily, crouching down, as the guards started surrounding him. "Your Majesty, what seems to be the problem?" the head guard asked, as Enji started normalizing his pants. "I found a cure!" he exclaimed with a booming voice, raising the old journal high into the air.

After reading through the book and informing the children and queen, the head guard made an announcement to townsfolk and the search for the flower began. 

The townsfolk  and palace guards left the Kingdom that very night, oil lamps in their hands as they journeyed in their boats to the foggy island across the Kingdom.

The Queen was running out of time, and this was their last hope in saving their beloved Queen. 

"WE FOUND IT!" one of the guards exclaimed near a cliff side, as another one ran towards him and dug and uprooted the magical flower.


Enji placed the the bright blue flower into the soup and placed it in front of Rei's cold lips, watching as she slowly drank the remedy. Soon after a healthy baby boy was born, with half red and white hair with matching grey and teal heterochromic eyes.

To celebrate his birth the Royal Family launched a flying lantern into the sky and placed a beautiful family portrait in the middle of town square, in which Enji both had to miss in order to take care of urgent business, he was of course not planning on how he'd steal Shoto a couple days after.

Once that day arrived, he waited 'til Rei and his kids were fast asleep. He slowly stood up, a pair of scissors in his hand, a cloak around his body and a backpack and sword on his back, as he slowly approached the sleeping Shoto, he began to sing "Flower gleam and glow.." lifting a strand of Shoto's surprisingly long hair as it started glowing. "Let your power shine.." he continued a sadistic smile on his face, feeling the power of flames spread through out his body.

Glancing towards a small glass of water, he slowly started heating it up watching as it began to boil. "Make my wish co-" he continued cutting the strand of hair on his hand, before stopping, seeing the magical glow fade, along with his powers.

He let out a loud gasp, accidentally knocking over the glass onto Shoto's face, making him let out a loud cry of pain, awakening his mom and siblings from across the room.

The tree siblings ran into the room, while Rei stood up from her bed in shock. Enji was already on top of the balconies railing, carrying a crying Shoto in his arms, a large scar starting to form on his left eye.


With his new powers, Enji slowly started killing off potential royal heirs. I mean, he was still technically qualified to be King. While Touya, the next heir, chose to wait 'til his brother was back, to finally ascend to the throne. The Kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the prince. For deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, Enji raised his child. Making him sing the incantation as he slowly brushed his hair. 

"Why can't I go outside?" baby Shoto asked, "The outside world is a horrible place, filled with horrible selfish people, you must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, son?" Enji explained, continuing to brush his son's hair and feeling the power radiate through his body. "Yes, daddy." Shoto answered back.


Shoto slowly walked down the stairs, careful not to wake up his father, with his long hair gliding down the steps with him. He slowly peaked his head out of the corner with curious eyes, looking to see if his father was deep asleep, before tiptoeing to the balcony.

Each year, on his birthday, the Royal Family would release thousands of lanterns into the sky in hopes that one day, their lost prince.. would return.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚌 𝙿𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now