1. Distress

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****3rd Person P.O.V****

Nico felt somewhat empty as he walked towards Will Solace after clearing things up with Percy. He felt empty yet full, if that makes any sense. Both because of what he had just done. Empty because it was finally out and filled with fear of...........he couldn't pinpoint what, but it was still there.

Nico still loved him, that's for sure, even if he had just said otherwise. He didn't want things to be cleared up between them. He wanted to latch himself to even the slightest bit of hope left. But he was also scared; scared that he would be left with nothing if he put even a little bit more into the hope. And now he had already said that he didn't like him anymore.

His head was clouded with these thoughts, all the emotions overwhelming him as he moved with his head lowered, mind in deep conflict. This almost caused him to crash into Will who caught him by his shoulders, calling his name; snapping him out of the trance.

"Huh? What did you say?" the smaller of the two asked as a slight blush of embarrassment dusted his cheeks.

"I asked: what did you say, Nico? Percy seems to be frozen in shock, Annabeth is grinning wider than the cat from Alice In The Wonderland and you seem......exhausted." Will asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Nothing too important." Nico replied. 'Well, he is right. I am pretty exhausted'. He thought. "Okay, lets head to the infirmary to fulfill the 'doctor's order'." He said as he walked ahead, a tinge of humor in his tone. He saw Will blush ever so slightly, making Nico smirk as he once again fixed his gaze at the ground.

A few minutes of walking got them to their destination, the infirmary. Nico stepped in as Will stood by the doorframe indicating the son of Hades to do so.

The infirmary was filled with people injured from the war. The young doctor pointed at a bed that had a glass of Nectar at the bedside table it with a straw sticking out, at least that's what Nico presumed the apple juice look-alike liquid to be; beckoning the skinny boy to go over and get some rest with a slight nod of his head.

The blonde then clutched a clipboard that lay on an unoccupied bed and made his way towards one of his siblings nodding as they discussed the condition of the patient lying unconscious in front of them in soft whispers. The guy talking to Will, Jerry, looked over at Nico and an impish grin spread across his face. He then whispered something to Will, making him turn a bright shade of red.

Nico wondered what could make the son of Apollo so flustered and not to mention just how adorable the golden haired boy looked. He shook his head to stop his thoughts right there, it was none of his business. Will glanced towards him and did a 'shoo' kind of motion with his free hand, a small smile gracing his slightly chapped lips with his tan cheeks still tinged with that reddish color; the action clearly telling him to go ahead and get some rest.

Nico obliged. He sat with his legs crossed on the bed, the glass now in his hands and the straw in his mouth. He wasn't exactly told to drink it, yeah, but he was dead tired. He never really liked Nectar or Ambrosia; he couldn't figure out what they tasted like, maybe that's why it isn't as effective on him as it is on others. He was told it was supposed taste like a comfort food that held great sentimental value to the consumer and with his memories not exactly there, he couldn't recall what it was. 'Just my luck' a sigh left his lips as he set the glass back on the table.

He plopped on the bed, his head burring in the linen pillow and inhaled a deep breath, the smell of disinfectant filling his nostrils. As soon as he closed his eyes all the anxiety came crashing down on him, causing him to inhale a sobbing breath through his quivering lips. The sound produced was minimal but still managed to catch a certain blue-eyed healer's attention.

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