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That night around eight, Josh immediately went and texted Tyler.

He had to wait a few minutes for a reply, but Tyler eventually texted back saying that he had just gotten off work.

After that, the two spent about ten minutes discussing their plans for the next day, deciding to meet up at a local diner that they figured out they both liked at two o' clock.

So, the next day, they did just that.

Josh left his apartment around 1:30pm, wearing a random T-shirt and black jeans again, and he wore a gray cap with it all.

He ended up getting to the diner a little earlier than planned though, so while he waited, he sat down at one of the tables and played some game on his phone to kill time.

After a few minutes, Josh checked the time and saw that it was now 2:01, so he figured Tyler would be there soon, and he was right.

He looked up from his phone and saw Tyler walking in the room, seemingly looking around for him. To get his attention, Josh waved a bit to him and Tyler eventually saw, and he smiled and started walking towards him.

As he was, Josh took the time to get a good look at him. This was the first time he had seen him out of his work uniform, and god, did he look good. He was wearing a cream colored sweater with black jeans, and even though it was a simple look, he still looked adorable to Josh.

Once he got up to the table though, Josh smiled shyly and was trying to hide his blush, and all he could say was "hiii."

"Hii," he greeted back, "how long have you been here? I didn't leave you waiting too long, did I?"

"Nah, I haven't been here too long, you're alright," he reassured, "but, do you wanna go get food now or talk first?"

"Hm, might as well go ahead and get food first, then we can talk?" he said, more as a question than a statement.

Josh nodded and stood up from his seat, "sounds good," and then the two got in the line to place their orders.

Once they got their food and drinks, the two ended up taking it to one of the outdoor tables since it was nice outside.

Both of them had gotten milkshakes, and Josh got a grilled cheese with it, whereas Tyler got a burger, and they both got a basket of fries to share.

They stayed quiet at first as they took the first couple bites of their food and drank some of their milkshakes, but eventually, Tyler looked to Josh and asked, ", is there a specific reason you wanted to see me?"

Josh shook his head as he set down his drink, "nope, not really. Just to chat with ya and to get to know ya better."

A little smile appeared on Tyler's face and he asked, "well... what do ya wanna know?"

"Shoot, I don't know," he said, earning a laugh from them both, "uh... okay, random question to start it off: are you actually from here or did you move here from somewhere else?"

"Been here my whole life," he answered, "how about you?"

"Me too. What high school did you go to?"

Tyler took a quick sip of his coffee first before answering, "...Worthington Christian."

That made Josh's eyes widen a bit, "oh crap- isn't that a private school?" After Tyler nodded, he continued, "well dang. Your parents must be rich," he laughed.

Tyler laughed too but then shrugged, "meh, not really. I mean- they make good money, yeah, but... It's really just went because my dad is a teacher there, so me and my siblings just got automatic enrollment I guess."

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