Chapter 1: Hair ties and saturday morning

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Kirishima's POV

He wanted to have an awesome day at the mall with all his classmates. They had planned to go there for weeks now and he was really accided. It was a perfect day for shorts and a t-shirt now when the summer came ever closer. He ofcores took his crimson riot shirt and a pair of jeans shorts. Weil getting lost in the music that played in his room. A nook on his door snapped him out of it and he went to open it, his red hair still down in his crimson eyes. He already knew who knocked on his door. It was all too aggressive to be Mina or Denki. His eyes met with the blonds the moment he opened the door.

"WHAT YOU STILL NOT DONE?!" the blond screams when seeing him with his hair down.

"Good morning to you too, Bakugou" He says while dragging his hand through his hair.

Wow it's longer than I thought. He thinks to himself.

"Get ready, the bus goes in fifteen minuts and it won't wait for you."

"Thank you for telling me." Kirishima says, happy that Bakugou thought of him.

The blond walked away, jeans hanging dangerously low and the black t-shirt hanging loose.

He really needs a belt. Maybe I could get him one today. He thought.

Shit fifteen minutes just became ten like that?! He doesn't have the time to do his signature hairstyle and he would just be annoyed all day with hair in his eyes. Then he saw a black hair tie that Mina forgot. Better than nothing, he told himself. He rushed out the dorms and tried to put his hair up while running. How did girls make it look so easy?? He got to the bus just in time.

"Hi!" Mina shouted and waved when he came closer.

Everyone of his classmates was there and of course Shinso. He was dragged along by Kaminari.

"Bro! your hair looks so good" kaminari said on the way to the mall.

"You think so? I didn't have time for anything else" He said unconsciously twisting the short tail of hair.

"It really suits you" His best friend said weil picking on her pink short hair.

Kirishima could feel that someone was staring at him and looked around. He caught Bakugou staring at him with his head in hands and looking kind of at peace.

Locking eyes with him for a second before blushing and looking away. Bakugou had never looked so peaceful as he did just now. Was it because of the bus ride? or something else? Well he didn't have to worry about that today. Because today he would have a great day at the mall with all his classmates.


Bakugou's POV

Katsuki bakugou always went to bed early so he could be the first to wake up. Sometimes it was harder though for example when you live in a dorm with a lot of people around you that just try to mess with you. He woke up later than intended. But it was saturday so no need to kill the one extra that was so damn noisy last night. Although they were going to the mall today so he needed to get ready even if there were two hours left until the bus came.

Got drest in a black T-shirt he got from his birthday and some pants. Be didn't bother with socks. It was too hot anyways. Everybody was in the kitchen already. Deku had already burned for toasts and was now sobbing over his own patheticness with Icy Hot as comfort.

"You dame nerd can't do anything right" he muttered as he went to put on the tea kettle.

It may not look like it but he couldn't start the day without a hot cup of black te. His classmates didn't dare mock him anymore, after he almost made a dunce face and ice hot match. He poured his tea and sat down on the sofa, besides racoon eyes.

"Hey! bakubro have you seen, Kirishima?"

"I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!" He yeld feeling that he might pop a blodvesel.

"Yeah Yeah, Have you?"

"No, why would I know where shity hair is?"

"Ooo I don't know. Could you check up on him?"

In a moment of weakness over taking the first sip on his te. He said Yes.

Now an hour later he stood outside Kirishima's door. He knocked harshly and contemplated if he should yell from the outside just as Kirishima opened the door.

His hair had grown long in the last weeks and now when it wasn't styled it made him look so... cute? NO, HELL NO! NO WAY.

"WHAT YOU STILL NOT DONE?!" It came out harsher than intended. But the redhead didn't seem to mind.

"Good morning to you too, Bakugou," He said with a big grin that lit up his whole face.

"Get ready, the bus goes in fifteen minuts and it won't wait for you." Bakugo said without screaming.

"Thank you for telling me."

He didn't say anything else just walked away.

Stuped redhead, not being done. Having his hair down and looking all cute.

He put on socks and shoes and no jacket was needed today in the hot weather.

Where is shitty hair? He thought to himself at the bus stop. He will miss the bus. Just then he came running from the dorms.

Racoon eyes waved at him and when he came closer bakugou could see it. That dame redhead had put his hair up in a ponytail. Fuck... He mutters under his breath. That was even worse than completely down! He wasn't just cute now. HE WAS FUCKING HOT!

He sat down at the bus and his mind started to wander. He started to observe the redhead in front of him. Duns face just said something that made him twist the small ponytail. Cute. At that moment he looked up directly at Katsuki. They looked at each other for just a moment, but the air in Katsukis lungs disappeared. That damn... Ohh he couldn't call him Shitty hair any more. Because it wasn't true. Now he looked so good. Well I can call him Kirishima. Yes for now. Then Kirishima blushed and looked away. An action that sent off explosions in his stomach. Or at least that couldn't be butterflies. Could it? 

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