Chapter 8: Summer and late night talks

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Kirishima's POV

He liked this new existens the last weeks have been amazing and wonderful. Katsuki was the best boyfriend you could ever imagine. They went on dates, trained and studied together. Kirishima couldn't name one thing he didn't like about it. Before he knew it, it had already been two months of cuddling and an overall sweater Katsuki Bakugou. The summer was ever aprotshing and the couple had to face the upcoming summer break before second year. It was heartwarming and terrifying all at one. He didn't know what would happen over summer. But he knew that he probably would go home to his family. He needed to talk to Katsuki about it but he was a bit nervous and they had school today. So after? Yeah it had to be today.

"Oi Babe~" The blond knocked on his door like he had done the last two moths. "You done, we start in half an hour"

"Yeah I'll be right there" He put on his shoes and took his backpack. The tie was still a bit loose but not bad. Opened the door and as always his blond stood right outside. The belt he bought him didn't help as the pants still hung dangerously low on his hips.

"Good morning, Boo"

"Stop with the pet names already" The blond says as he moves in for a kiss.

"But you're so cute" He said smiling moving closer.

"Shut up" The other said lovingly and kist him

Moving away the blond fixed his tie.

"I didn't think you knew how to use one of these" He looked at the much better tied tie and smiled.


"You never wear one and you know you are supposed to tighten the belt to hold up your pants" he teased.

"It's a fashion statement!" He said angry.

"Yeah yeah, if you say so" He said as they locked hands on the way to class.

Kirishima wasn't the best in school but he wasn't the worst either. But his hot headed boyfriend was actually smarter than you at first glance might think. He certainly had helped in studying, that's not too often for when they did they often get distracted. But that was only because Katsiki was too cute when concentrating. In class they couldn't get distracted or they would get a scolding from the teachers. All other than All might and midnight that loved seeing young love bloom or what they said. All had gone well and Aizawa was too tired to nothis late night visits and loud noises. Witch was god for most of class 1-A as most were cupeld of at the end of the term. The only ones left were Mineta, Aouama, Kouda, SAtou And Iida. Iida said he was married to the rules but Kirishima didn't count that as a legitimate couple. He loved having group dates with the other couples but best we're alone times in the dorms.

The school day was over and he went with Katsuki to "study" at his dorm. They weren't too often in his dorm as his wallmate and his boyfriend were kind of loud and hell a freaky, who could have thought? As expected they didn't do anything that had to do with school. They instead binged Friends at Katsukis laptop. They had an amazing time. They were at season 3 and could whole intro by heart at this point so they sang and laughed at each other. The time flew by and he could not believe the time when looking at the clock.

"It's 22,30" He informed the other.

"So what?"

"We need to sleep, maybe?"

"No, I don't want to," the blond wined. This was rare as the blond went to bed early for the most part.

"I wanted to talk to you about summer," He said abruptly.

"What about it?"

"What are you going to do?" he asked, feeling his stomach twist and turn.

"Whatever you're doing, I'm not leaving you" The blond answers sternly.

"You mean that? Wouldn't your parents want to see you?"

"Maybe, the old hag has been pestering me with questions about you for the last mothe"


"Yeah she really want to meet the one that can calm her son down"

He just sat there mouth wide open not believing that he would meet the parents of his boyfriend soon.

"Y-you don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought that.." The blond started explaining.

He couldn't finish though as he jumped the blond pushing their lips together.

"I would love to!"

"You mean that? That old hag better behave or I swear that I will blast her ass off"

"Of course I mean it! I also want you to meet my family, maybe we could figure something out?"

"I'm sure we can"

Kirishima loved this idea.


"Yeah?" He answered surprised at the use of his real name.

"I love you" The blond said, blushing and staring right at him.

Was this happening? Katsuki bakugou loved him? Was that even possible? He smiled.

"I love you to Katsuki." They kissed, melting together finally feeling totally at peace. 

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