Chapter 9: Summer and romance

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Bakugou's POV

The last day of the school year the whole class celebrated their last day as first year students. He had become better friends with his classmates after he and Eijiro became a couple. He actually learnt most of their names! The sweetness of hearing his boyfriend's happy voice when he got it right only helped the proces. He loved the redhead and soon they would be in the car on their way to his house. The only problem with that was no more privacy. Or at least no one that cared if they were loud. Their dorms were already packed and tonight they were going home. He actually was going to miss the dorms until next semester. Late nights with movies and chater, a full kitchen always smelling of sweets and food. It was nice living away from home and it made him appreciate the time with his parents a lot more. Although he wouldn't miss doing laundry. He was daydreaming and suddenly snapped back at the voice from behind him and Eijiro.

"OI KATSUKI!" He could hear his mother yell from the car.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT OLD HAG!?" He asked as he turned around taking his boyfriends hand.

"Chill Boo~ no need to be angry" He beamed of happiness as usual.

They walked to the car where the old hag sat together with his dad.

"You must be Kirishima."

"Yes ma'am that's me" Katsuki watched as his boyfriend shook hands with his mom and dad.

"Please call me Mitsuki" She said

Katsuki was surprised at the calmness. Usually when someone called her ma'am she would shake them angrily. She was in a good mood today then, that's a relief.

Sitting in the back sett he and Eijiro held hands as they got an entier fucking enterigation from his parents. They asked all kinds of questions. From how long have you been together to what do your parents do for a living? It was... kind of... nice? At Least they liked him so that's good. They finally arrived back at his house.

He plopped down at his own bed. He wanted to sleep at once but this time he had his boyfriend in his room. The redhead looked round. Katsuki just watched from the bed. He would have never thought that this would be how his summer was going to be. First at his place and then he would meet the Kirishima family. Eijiro said they already loved him and he didn't doubt that. This summer would be fun. Eijiro placed his mattress on the floor beside Katsukis bed. Unnecessary if you asked him but one condition that helped them sleep in the same room at least.

"You sure this is going to be good" He asked

"Of course and I get to be with you 24/7 so I could not be happier"

"You know you can always come to my bed if you want to," He said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Maybe I will do that" The redhead stood up laying down on Katsukis bed. Sweet mother of jesus. He would have never imagined the sight of his boyfriend in his real room on his bed this hot. He blushed and could feel his member collecting blood. He went to kiss him. Light at first but then it deepend. Becoming slow and deep.

"OI, KATSUKI, COME DOWN FOR A SEC!" the old hag yelled from downstairs. He was going to kill her. Eijiro moved away.

"Babe" he wined.

"Common we don't want them to bust us the first night"

Bakugou sighed and walked to the door with Eijiro behind him.

"What did you want?" He actually came for once and his mom wasn't prepared.

"Sorry if I interrupted something, but we went over to Inko for a while. She needed help moving something and Izuku isn't home."

The nerd wasn't home? Oh right he was at half and half place for some week.

"Okay, is there food in the fridge?"

"Offcores, we will be home around nine"

She looked him straight in the eyes and said.

"If you do something dum you will regret it" Then she smiled and walked out the door.

His dad just smiled and followed.

As soon as the door closed. He could feel the excitement. They ran up the stairs and then. He kissed Eijiro deep even deeper than before. Elektricity shoots down to his member at the contact. He pushed Ejiro to the wall and started kissing down his neck.

"Boo don't leave any marks or they will know"

"Yeah yeah" he said, not listening too carefully.

He moved them to the bed and then clothes started coming off like on a hot summer day. When only boxers remained he looked at the other member. It looked as though it wanted to be released from the restraint that was clothes. He wanted to touch it but instead decided to tear his boyfriend until he begs. He started taking his boxers off and then placed kisses light like flower petals on his skin. First his chest and stomach then kissed up again towards his nipples. He kissed them and could feel the red stiffen under him. He started to suck on one of them and nibbling the other one he twisted with one of his hands while the other trussed up and down his waist. The red haired boy's breath hitched and he let out small moans. It sounded like music to his ears and he switched nipples. He felt his boyfriend's back arch and tried to find some friktion for his now pulsing member that leaked of precum. The moans started to pick up in volume and pace. His breathing got heavier at the thought of his boyfriend touching him. He could only guess that his boyfriend felt the same and was soon approaching and then.

"Katsuki, please oh~ please touch me!" The redhead pleaded.

Exactly what he wanted to hear. He lost all self control and flipped the boy over sticking his ass up in the air. Getting lube and covering his fingers he warmed up the hole. Stretching it so he could get in easier. When done he lined himself up feeling the anticipation and pushing in slowly not to hurt the other. But the redhead pushed back on his own and started moving. Katsuki was surprised. But now he took kontroll pumping into his love. He could feel the tightness and warmth consuming him, squeezing. It was addictiv and so damn pleasurable. He touched the other member and started pumping him as well and it seemed like it became even tighter.

"Katsuki I am coming!" He heard somewhere far away to ingolf by the sensation of pressure to nitis. The only thing he felt was even tighter and then he came. He came and came. He had saved himself for a week and well you could see that. It was nice how they fit together like puzzle pieces. He pulled out and his seed followed.

They collapsed on the bed, the clock only being 20.00 a clock. They cleaned up and showered together something of the best thing Katsuki and Eijiro did together he thought. They ate and then watched friends again. Singing and laughing. Katsuki looked at the redhead. So meeny names he had to him. Shity hair, Eijiro, boyfriend and babe. He took one of the hair ties, put red hair into a small ponytail and hugged him. Finally feeling totally at peace. 

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