Chapter 3 New names and cold lemonade.

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Kirishima's POV

That was different. He didn't not like it. But had not decided if he liked it yet either. So for now it just had to wait. He would process everything when back in his own room by himself. For now he would just be sweet and not overthink. Yeah he could do that. It certainly wouldn't be too hard. Right?

No. He was wrong. It was super hard. Bakugou waited outside his changing room with nothing to buy and arms crossed over his chest. He looked deep in thought and a little... nervous?! Was he? It would certainly be a first, if that was the case. Kirishima wanted to hug that nervousness away. But of course that would be weird. They are just friends that some minutes ago had a moment. But no... too weird.

"Oi Kirishima" Bakugou said.

"Yes!" He jumped surprised at the name Bakugou used. He never calls anybody by their real name.

"You done?"

"Yes" he showed a black hoodie with red details.

"Isn't it a bit too hot for those kinds of clothes?"

"Maybe but its cute, so i am going to buy it" He said cheerfully

Bakugou just shrugs and starts walking to the counter.

"Ain't you going to buy something?"

"Nothing fits properly," He said with a low voice.

Kirishima made a point to get a belt that would fit Bakugou. He could give it as a late birthday present. And the man really needed one if he were not to accidentally flash every one.

They walked out of the store not knowing what to do for the rest of the trip. Kirishima couldn't help to feel Bakugou's glances and started feeling hot again. Maybe they should get something to drink? Yeah that was a great idea.

"Hey Bakugou, do you want something to drink?"

"HELL YEAH, it's fucking hot!" The blond screamed.

They walked comparing what they could get and then. Katsuki Bakugou is standing in front of a stand that serves cold lemonade practically drooling. That was too cute.

"D-do you want lemonade?" He chuckled

"Yeah if it's okay with you"

"Absolutely, nothings better on a hot summer day right?"

"Go sit down I can order for you" The blond said with a soft smile on his lips.

Kirishima did just as he was told. He couldn't disagree with a smiling Bakugou, could he?

"Here you go" A glass with lemonade and ice was placed in front of him.

"It looks so good, how much do I owe you?"

"Nothing, just you being cute is enough." He said nonchalantly siping on his drink.

Kirishima felt like he would short circuit and could feel his face turning hot red.

"O-okay" he said, still blushing profusely.

"How cum you call me by my name today, Bakugou?"

"Well, I can't use shitty hair today, because your hair looks really good." He said it with so much confidence while looking into Kirishima's soul. Wow this can't be happening. Bakugou liked his hair? For real? He thought that it was a joke the first time he said it in the changing room.

"Well if you are going to call me something, why not just call Eijiro?"

"By your first name?"

"Yeah, were close right?"

"Sure, but then you call me Katsuki"

"Of course" That was nice, he was on a first name basis with Katsuki. Amazing.

They continued talking until the ice turned to water in their drinks.

Bakugou POV

He couldn't hate him right? Could he? No. Yes. UGH he can't think! So he just didn't turn the thoughts off and stepped out of the changing room. The redhead wasn't done yet and he probably had another few minutes to himself. Just then he saw a packet of black hair ties on a shelf. That was a good idea. He walked over to the pay desk and bought the small thing. Not something big but something sweet right? Besides, he wanted Kirishima to tie his hair up more, so this was perfect.

He stood besides the changing room waiting. Act cool. You are the best, right? don't let him affect you. He looked up and there he stood just staring at him.

"Oi Kirishima" he said.

"Yes!" he got a yelling anser.

"You done?"

"Yes" he showed him a black hoodie with red details.

"Isn't it a bit too hot for those kinds of clothes?" Trying not to think of Kirishima in only a hoodie. Maybe even his hoodie.

"Maybe it's cute, so I am going to buy it." he answered with a huge grin.

He just shrugged too lost in cuteness to do anything else, walking to the counter.

"Ain't you going to buy something?"

"Nothing fits properly," He said, he didn't even try anything on. He was too tense to do that.

Walking out of the store, Bakugou felt hot again and needed something to drink. This damn weather! He cursed.

"Hey Bakugou, do you want something to drink?"

"HELL YEAH, it's fucking hot!" The blond screamed.

They walked side by side not knowing what to get. Suddenly something grabbed his interest and he stopped. Lemonade! He loved lemonade! It was his second favorite drink and how cold it would be.

"D-do you want lemonade?" The redhead asked.

"Yeah if it's okay with you"

"Absolutely, nothings better on a hot summer day right?"

He didn't even think before saying the next thing.

"Go sit down I can order for you"

Of course he had to treat Kirishima. After all he looked hell a cute today, he simply couldn't help himself.

"Here you go" He placed a glass in front of the other boy's face.

"It looks so good, how much do I owe you?" The boy asked with stars in his eyes.

"Nothing, just you being cute is enough." He said taking a sip to not look too bothered at the remark he just made.

"O-okay" He said face now matching his hair.

"How cum you call me by my name today, Bakugou?"

He almost choked on the lemonade at the question. Before he could think he started telling the truth.

"Well, I can't use shitty hair today, because your hair looks really good." Stay cool. He told himself while staring into the crimson eyes of the other boy.

"Well if you are going to call me something, why not just call Eijiro?"

He died, his cool left the group chat. He probably looked like a happy bastard right now.

"By your first name?"

"Yeah, were close right?"

"Sure, but then you call me Katsuki" he insisted

"Of course"

Was this really happening? or was he dreaming? either way he didn't want anything to change at this moment. 

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