Chapter 6 : Great mornings and Wood

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Smut from Bakugou's POV. Thanks for the response on the latest chapter. I hope you will like this one! Be sure to leave a comment! (We all need holy water after this)

Bakugou's POV

Huh there is something poking me in my back. It shouldn't be, I'm all alone. Bakugou grabs the thing that's poking him and realizes his own mistake. Memories from last night flode into his mind and he realizes that he in fact isn't alone this wonderful morning. He has a sweet boyfriend big spooning him and the thing he is holding is morning wood. Why or why didn't they put clothes on yesterday. This would not be happening, And Bakugou could just not die on a saturday morning. Although he himself sported a matching one so maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He turned around, moving closer to him. Hugging him closer and breathing in his scent. Oh he could stay like this forever. But... no.

"OI!" His boyfriend screams and puts his hand between them.

"WHAT?!" He screamed back

"You rolled over me!"

"Ohhh" He suddenly realised the thing. "I AM SO SORRY!" He screamed in a panic.

"I-it's okay," He said reassuringly, trying to smile in the pain.

"Want me to kiss it better?" The blond asked.

The other boy's faces lit up. "You would do that?"

"S-sure" He kissed his boyfriend's cheek then his jaw and lastly his mouth. Then down his neck following the trail of marks from yesterday's adventure. Down to the morning wood. Pulling of the duvet revealing the memer standing right up in all its glory.

"Say my name" He said

"Why?" He asked. While Bakugou ran his hand up and down his thighs and blowing at his member.

"W-ha ahhh ummm" The sight of his boyfriend screaming under him turned him on to the max and it showed.

"Say it" He demanded, voice low.

"Ah yes Katsuki Bakugou!"

"Good, now you get the revard" He growled, kissing up the thighs. Kissing the tip of the standing member and then pushing down. Sucking and breathing through his nose. He can feel Eijiro tensing up under him and loud moans slipping from his lips.

"If you don't quiet down then they are going to hear us" He said

"Mmm Yeah!" Was the only thing he got before going in again and sucking faster than before.

"Aah you have to stop or I will cum!"

A few seconds later, thick cum slipped down his throat and he once again swallowed while staring into those crimson eyes. His red hair is a mess and Bakugou pushes hair behind his ear. His morning wood standing tall. The redhead panting on the bed.

"You look kind of excited" His eyes half lidded and clouded. "Let me take care of it," His boyfriend said. Moving closer towards the bed end, kissing his legs all the way up to the proud standing wood. He liked it and it sent electric sparks flying in the blonds hole body. He wanted to cum right then and there, but pushed himself back. Off the bed and stood up so the redhead can sit on the floor. He started sucking and Katsuki found himself pushing forward to cum even deeper down. He was nervous about the pointy teeth but found himself enjoying the feeling when they scraped him. Sick? maybe, but oh so good. He could feel himself come closer.

"Oi, ah I-i'm getting really close"

Eijiro stopped with a pop and that did it for Katsuki he came right at his boyfriends face. They now needed to shower before breakfast.

"Need a towel?" He said softly

"Yeah that would be good. Did you like it? I tried not to get my teeth in the way but it was a lot harder than you made it feel so.."

He cut him off with a kiss.

"I liked it, teeth and all." he reassured and the smile he got was enough to energise him again.

"Want to shower and then breakfast?"

"Yeah probably a good idea." And so they went to shower hand in hand. Ready for whatever the day had to offer. 

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