Chapter 5: Dorms and late nights

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Things heat up in the dorms and Bakugou is top (for now). First time writing smut so I hope you like it. Be sure to tell me your thoughts in the comments! 

Kirishima's POV

Kirishima lay in his bed thinking of Katsuki and what happened before they got to the dorms. They held hands all the way up to their dorms that are very practically beside each other.

When they stood in front of Kirishima's door he didn't know how to say goodbye. He wanted to hug Katsuki so tight but maybe he didn't? There was no need to worry though because the moment later Katsuki grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back obviously and took his hands to Katsukis hair. His hair was fluffier than Kirishima would have thought. Damn it was a good kiss. Katsuki knew exactly what to do and his teeth never were a problem. It was amazing. He went to bed with stars in his eyes and planets around his head. It's sunday tomorrow so they could spend more time then. For now it was sleep or after he satisfied himself at least he thought and looked down at the tent.

He didn't know how long he slept for but in the middle of the night he heard it. Moans coming from the room besides him, not Katsukis but Shoji's. The Fuck? Who the fuck is it he's with. Oh no, don't tell me it's... tokoyami?! Well he couldn't sleep now! Not here. But where should he go? Mina with a sleepover idea? No. He got an idea but no way that it will work. He got to try and he did not want to hear any more of what Shoji was doing.

So he got some pants on and walked over to Katsuki's dorm. He knocked. Hoping Katsiki didn't go to sleep.

He heard a dunk and then someone walking towards the door.

"Hi, um someone is really noisy in the other dorm. Can I come in?


He had never seen Katsuki's dorm before. It was just as big as everybody else's but he had a black rug on the floor and a bed with just as dark sheets. On his shelf he has an All Might figurin and all over the room there were fairy lights and plants. This was not what Kirishima thought he would see.

"It's so cozy," he said with awstuck eyes.

"You think?" Katsuki answers while moving towards the bed. "With one of the extras are so damn noise?"

"Shoji and Tokoyami...I never would have guessed." He said blushing. He moved closer to Katsuki on the bed and sat down as well.

"Can you hear them now?"

"I hope not"

He couldn't say one more word before Katsuki sat on his lap arms around his neck and moved in for a kiss.

Kirishima was surprised, yes. But as usual with Katsuki he didn't mind the closeness. So he kissed back. Before Kirishima can react, Katsuki takes his shirt off. Kirishima swallows as he is looking at the toned abs and below that he can see the hardness creeping up against both of their pants. Is this it? I mean they over there are already noisy and we can't possibly be worse. Right?

Katsuki starts living and kisses down Eijiros neck. Taking time to nibble at the skin so he is sure to feel every bite. Eijiro takes off his shirt and he could swear he feels Katsuki's member getting harder with every second that goes by. They collide again. His fingers on Katsukis back. The blond grinding down, he wants more friktion. The second he does that. Eijiro moans and leve claw marks on the blonds back. That just lights something in the blonds stomach and he pushes them over. Taking off the pants of the one under him and his own. Then they kiss again. Hotter than the weather today, bodys moving in sync. Katsuki stops kissing him.

"Do you want this?" He asks, lips swollen and face blushing.

"Can't you feel that?" He answers as he pushes his hips up to get more friktion.

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