Chapter 4 Bus ride and a sleeping mess.

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Kirishima POV

The day went by so fast and he was by Bakugou's side. No not Bakugou, Katsuki's. Yeah Katsukisk side. That's right he could call him Katsuki. This was amazing. He loved it. He felt like floating on clouds. They played games, window shopping and ate lunch. It was amazing. When they were playing he thought that he never saw Katsuki that happy. This day he would cherish forever.

"Kirishima and Bakubro! How was your day?" Mina asked when they arrived at the bus stop.

"Great! How about you?" He answered feeling Katsuki playing with his ponytail. Was it weird? Was he supposed to feel so at peace with the action? Maybe because they were friends it wasn't weird? Did the others think it was weird? No they didn't seem to care. Good.

Mina answers something along the lines of amazing and exciting but he couldn't focus on what she was saying. Only on the boy behind him playing with his hair. When the bus arrived he was going to sit like on the way there, but Katsuki took his hand and went to the back of the bus.

"Katsuki?" He asked, feeling his himself blush.

"I don't want the day to be over yet."

Wait was Katsuki blushing at the confession. Looks like it. Mina just stood and smiled at them.

They sat down far away from any of their classmates and small butterflies started flying around in Kirishima's stomach. Is this what liking someone does to you? Or is he getting a cold? Did he like Katsuki? Yes... yeah that he definitely did.

"Hey Katsuki, are you tired?"

"Of course I am, it's been a long day" he said before a yawn slipping out

"Good though"

"Most definitely" He got an answer before the blond drifted away to sleep on his shoulder and hand still in his. OMG he looks so at peace. This must be real, no way I can imagine this good. He just observed the boy on his shoulder. Blonde hair and eyelashes that had a natural curl to them. Perfect skin soft as velvet and he smells of caramel. He never wanted this moment to end. But he could feel his own consciousness slip away as he fell into a deep sleep.

He woke up as the bus stopped moving. Head buzzing from the sudden awakening. Then he remembered where he was. And with whom. He could see the blonde hair in his lap and smiled. Katsuki was sleeping in his lap. Then he remembered he was a teenage boy and this contakt most definitely is showing and probably can be felt by the blond. He died at the thought. The blond started to wake up. Shit this is bad. He couldn't do this. He sat mortified and stared.

"G-good morning," He said face red.

"Hum" Katsuki smirked and turned his head. Too bad that was worrs, now he could definitely feel it.

Katsukis head shot up. Fuck... now he's dead. Goodbye world, he had a few good years, too bad it was all over now. But the smile on Katsukis face was reassuring. He took Enjiros hand and well let's just say. Kirishima wasn't alone. They matched, he blushed furiously. They walked out hand in hand from the small bus, back to their dorms.


Bakugou's POV

The day was amazing, he got to spend so much time with Eijiro. He never wanted this to end- But of course the hot day turned to a more luckworm evening. That was amazing he no longer was hot or at least not when he wasn't with Eijiro. Which were every second of the day. He felt like he was burnin up despite the decrease in temperature. DO HE LIKE EIJIRO!! He screamed at himself for being this dens. How could he not have known earlier. Racoon eyes probably already thought they were together already with her leaving them alone all day. Well he could thank her but he knew he wouldn't.

They met everyone back at the bus stop. Deku and half and half bastard holding hands just like Duns face and that sleep deprived bastard. He wanted to hold hands with Eijiro but that would raise suspicions that he didn't want.

"Kirishima and Bakubro! How was your day?" Racoon eyes asked and did she fucking wink at us?! Did he see that probably not he's too dense.

"Great! How about you?" The redhead answered gleefully.

He couldn't help himself and now he was playing with the red tail of hair again. Last time it didn't end well and yeah he could feel the same electricity going down his stomach. Luckily the bus came and he re-directed his attention to getting on but not before he could take Eijiro's hand.

"Katsuki?" The boy behind him asked.

"I don't want the day to be over yet." He could feel himself blush when dragging him to the sets turdest away from anybody else. Racoon eyes just started, yeah she definitely knew.

"Hey Katsuki, are you tired?" The redhead asked.

"Of course I am, it's been a long day" He yawned.

"Good though"

"Most definitely" he said and smiled. He liked being with Eijiro. It was... peaceful. This was the last thing he could say before he fell into a deep sleep.

He dreamt. He dreamed about Eijiro as a prince, coming to save him from a horrible monster. That was in the beginning. The dream got darker not in the scarry kind of way but in the hot way. The mood changed and he could see himself and Kirishima doing unholy stuff under the stars.He woke up to something poking him in the face.

"G-good morning," The boy over him said.

"Hum" he answered and turned to get away. Then realising what it was that poked him and shot up from the lap of the person in the next seat. He wanted to die. But then realised Eijiro probably wanted to die even more. At that relaxation and also feeling a matching problem he took Eijiro's hand and placed it where he could feel that they matched. The redhead ones again blushed, but he didn't contradict. Bakugou smiled and stood up taking his hand to go to their dorms. 

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