drunk calls ; j.huxhold

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I shut my eyes, reading to nod off into a deep sleep. Pretty basic of me to say but sleeping is just the best thing ever but I guess tonight was not the case.

My eyes shoot open while my phone rings.

I sigh and look at the contact "Troy"

Werid, yes Troy and I are friends but why would he be calling me at 2 in the morning?

I slide my finger across the green button and move the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" My voice comes out slightly groggy, but hey in my denfece. I'm tired.

"Hey uh Y/n, we need some help with Jordan" he says in a confused tone.

Ah yes, My boyfriend Jordan. Treats me like a princess, what could he have possibly done that they need my help with.

"Why what's up? What he do?" I question slightly worried. Jordan is a pretty responsible guy so I genrally cant think of anything he could've done.

"Well- we went out and now Jordan's drunk and hes just-"

Before Troy can finsh the phone suddenly stops.

"Troy?, what the fuck-"

"Is this my girlfriend?!, haha oh my god HI, BABY" jordan yells down the phone.

I laugh, "hey my love, you had a little to much to drink eh?"

"Haha yeah it was fun!' He giggles.

I shake my head and sigh again.

"Hey look I'm gonna come over ok? Tell Troy that alright bubs?"

"Ok babe BYE"

He hangs up. I laugh to myself, before putting on my sweats and a random hoodie that most likely belonged to the man of the hour. Grabbing my keys I head out to my car.

This boy will definitely be the death of me.

I literally just shuffled my playlist and whatever song came on I decided to write about.

𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊 - vinnie hacker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now