Chapter 3: Davy Jones' Locker

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We washed up onto a brown sanded island. The sky was in overcast, and I nearly forgot that we survived falling down a massive waterfall. The Hai Peng was in ruins, and we still did not have a solid plan to get out of the Locker. In French, we call it Casier De Davy Jones.

Everyone was crawling up the sand bank, spitting out the freezing salt water. A lot of our provisions had washed up, and our ship was destroyed to mere splinters. Everyone was coughing and gagging, trying to get oxygen back into our lungs.

"He's here," Barbossa said, "Davy Jones never once gave up that what he took.

"And does it matter?" Will walked up to us. "We're trapped here by your doing. No different than Jack."

Tia said while stroking a white crab in her hand, "witty Jack is closer than you think."

I waved her off as crazy, until I noticed a ship coming up from the banks of the sand. Not just any ship, the Black Pearl.

"How is that possible?" I asked. I watched that ship get destroyed by the Kraken. He should be at the bottom of the ocean. I squinted my eyes and saw Jack standing on top of the mast as the ship came over the sand dune, looking down at the water. The ship coasted down the sandy hill, finally reaching the water.

"Boat," Ragetti pointed out.

"Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. It's Jack," Gibbs said in disbelief.

Jack jumped off the ship, striding over to us as he trudged through the water.

"Jack," I smiled, but quickly covered it up with a cough into my wrist. I was still angry with him for what he did back on the Pearl, but I was going to wait to yell at him later.

"It's the Captain!" Pintel said excitedly.

"A sight for sore eyes," Gibbs shouted happily as we all ran to him.

"Hide the rum," the parrot squawked.

"Mr. Gibbs," Jack greeted when we all reached him.

"Aye, Cap'n."

"I thought so." Everyone immediately went into a line before Jack as he said, "I expect you're able to account for your actions, then."

"Sir?" Gibbs looked confused.

"There's been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? Why is that, sir?" Jack yelled at him in his face.

"Sir, you're... you're in Davy Jones' Locker, Cap'n," Gibbs said, bringing his eyebrows together.

Jack paused before lying, "I know that. I know where I am. And don't think I don't."

"Jack Sparrow," Barbossa stepped forward.

"Oh, Hector!" Jack said with glee, "it's been too long, hasn't it?"

"Aye. Isla de Muerta, remember? You shot me," Barbossa said with a dry, indignant tone.

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