Chapter 8: The Brethren Court

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Narrator's POV

The Pearl arrived inside Shipwreck Cove, sailing their way through with torches as the ship floated through to the meeting place of the Brethren Court.

"Look at them all," Pintel said, referring to all the ships, standing near Barbossa as they looked out at Shipwreck Cove.

"There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime," Barbossa said.

Jack walked up to the side of Barbossa and grimaced, "and I owe them all money."

They arrived at the table of the Brethren Court courtroom, and Barbossa banged a cannon ball onto the wooden table to gain everyone's attention. Jack flicked one of many swords that was lodged in a massive globe. Candles were hanging over head for light.

"As he who issued summons, I convene this, the Fourth Brethran Court," Barbossa said. Those amongst the table began murmuring, and sitting down in chairs. "To confirm your lordship and right to be heard, present now your pieces of eight, my fellow cap'ns."

There are nine Pirate Lords, each carry their own insignia. Originally, every lord was supposed to carry a Pieces of Eight, which is a Spanish coin worth eight Spanish reales. However, the founding members of the Brethren Court were so poor that they substituted the pieces for trinkets in their pockets, and did not bother to change the name. These trinkets must be presented to verify a pirate lord's identity, and they are handed down to that lord's successor when he or she dies.

The pirate lords who took their chairs presented their pieces, putting them into a bowl that Ragetti offered to them.

Ragetti walked up to Barbossa with the bowl and Barbossa said, "Master Ragetti, if you will," and held out his hand with blackened fingernails.

"I kept it safe, just like you said when you gave it to me," he said.

"Aye, you have. But I need it back." He slapped the back of Ragetti's head and his wooden eye popped out into Barbossa's hand, and he dropped it in the bowl with the others.

Jack grimaced and twitched at the sight. "I'll never get used to that."

"Sparrow!" One of the pirate lords, Eduardo Villanueva said. He has a long black mustache with a black scruff of a beard, his once black hair was greying and his eyes were brown. From Spain, he was Lord of the Adriatic Sea. Everyone turned to Jack.

Jack reached for one of the dangles on his headband where his silver piece lay before he put his finger up and approached the table. "Might I point out that we are still short one pirate lord, and I'm as content as a cucumber to wait until Sao Feng joins us."

Jack's nose twitched as it caught the delicious scent of a sweetly floral mix of orange blossoms and vanilla. A fragrance he was very familiar with, and will forever long for ever since the first time he smelled it. He knew she was here.

Annette was just walking into the meeting when she heard Jack. She called out, "Sao Feng is dead."

Everyone turned to see her standing in front of some of Feng's crew. Her golden-bronzed hair was down, wild and free resting against flattering black armor with gold detailing and buttons that went down the front as a long jacket and thick metal brackets were strapped to her wrists. A thick black detailed belt cinched her waist, and her strong hazel and black eyes gazed over the court. Lovely as lace, cold as ice.

Jack looked at her in admiration, a small smile pulled at his lips as he became proud of her. He was taken aback by her alluring confidence, which was attractive to him. A fire began in his skin, and her smoldering eyes scorched his soul. Her enticing gaze made his face grow slightly warm, and he took a step back.

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