Chapter 6: Pirate Lord of the South China Sea

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Annette's POV

On board the Empress, Feng's crew spoke Chinese around me as they dressed me in a stunning and traditional silk outfit from Singapore. Chinese is not one of the languages I have immersed myself around, so I did not understand too much of it. Everyone I saw had a dragon tattoo on their body, signifying their loyalty to Feng. We stood in Feng's cabin, and I was treated as if I was a royal guest... I was not expecting that so my guard was up. 

With my limited amount of time with Feng, he vaguely reminded me of Barbossa. He's ruthless and cunning, but Barbossa is merciful and has a sense of fair play compared to him. Although, another similarity is that they have both held a long standing grudge against Jack Sparrow. I was curious as to what great insult Jack made against Feng, but I figured this was not the appropriate time to ask.

Feng came down and summoned everyone out of the room. When we were alone, he said, "by this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove and you will be free.... Calypso."

"Excuse me?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

He dipped his hands in a small bowl of water and said, "not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have... but it is what we call you."

"Who are we?" I asked.

"You confirm it," he said and ate a leaf. His eyes were stuck on me like tar, with a stern gaze that made me want to bolt out of the room. In his eyes, I could see what he planned to do with me.

"Confirm what?" I asked, finally realizing that he thought that I was Calypso in human form. I could feel my blood rush out of my face but I remained poised. "You did not tell me anything."

I had no other option but to agree with him in order to save the crew. At least Barbossa convinced Feng to be on our side now, and we can come together to fight against Beckett and the Company. Whatever it takes to make the seas free once again.

Feng stepped closer to me. "The Brethren Court, not I. The First Brethren Court, whose decision I would have opposed. They bound you in human form, so the rule of the seas would belong to man and not..."

"Belong to me," I finished for him, further convincing him that I was the sea goddess. I was willing to do anything to get off of that ship alive. If he wants Calypso, I'll be Calypso.

"But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are." He stared at me in open admiration.

"That is flattering, but it doesn't mean nothing to me when I'm in a cage. Release me," I said with my chin raised to appear more intimidating. I don't think it worked.

"Can I be blamed for my efforts? All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."

"And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes. Maybe freedom."

"I offer simply my desire."

"And in return?" I asked.

"I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them."

I stepped up to him. I kept my voice low and calm as I spoke, "what if I had to choose not to?"

His eyes lowered and he took a deep breath. My heart dropped to my stomach as he said, "then I will take... your fury."

Feng pushed me up against the wall and I saw his dirty fingernails reach up to cup my face. In response, I quickly ducked and launched myself into a side roll onto the floor. My head piece fell off, making my hair whip around my face. I used my hand to push it up and out of the way just in time to see Feng stare down at me with fire in his black eyes.

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