Chapter 3

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After going home and showering, I got ready and ate some chilly. I really needed something small because I didn't want to puke when I have my Valedictorian speech.

Yeah, I'm the person who will be wearing a white gown, in stead of blue, with a gold stash. I'm pretty nervous about the speech. What if I mess it up? I've never really been that good at public speaking, but I'm really confident on my speech.

I just don't know if I can do a speech in front of my class and their parents and their relatives and their friends and other people that decide to come see us say goodbye to high school.

I decided to wear a pink floral sun dress, that I got last week, under my gown. I had to try all different sizes on cause all the weight I lost. I went down 3 sizes! It was surprising, I mean I knew I lost quite a bit of weight, but I didn't know I lost that much.

So, I've been thinking about what Ryland said about going on tour with them and being there body guard. Aren't guys, men, supposed to do that? And, what about my job? Am I supposed to quit that job for this 'job'? I still don't know what to do. It's so frustrating. I want to go, but I don't know if that's the best thing for me. Not to mention I'd be traveling with two famous bands. I would do that, definitely, but for a whole year? I don't know if I could handle nine boys on a tour bus with us girls.

Lacey called me when I was eating, making sure Ryland came and talked to me. Lacey sounded upset too. She told me that Katrina was going to be their manager. Katrina is taking a break from being on stage. Lacey said that she would respect my decision whether I go to college or not. And she said that she really wanted me to come on tour, that it would be so much fun with the boys. "You might discover yourself, you know" Lacey told me. It was actually kind of inspiring. I thought about it ever since the phone call. But I can't decide. Should I be thinking about it this much? Am I over thinking it?

It made me feel even more stressed. I felt like I needed to go work out again, but graduation started in two hours. I wouldn't be ready in time. I still needed to curl my hair and put my cap and gown on.

After burning my self 5 times trying to curl my hair, I walked down the steps. My parents were there waiting for me. My mother had a camera in her hand and looked at me in awe. My father still had the same stern face, only with a smile planted on his lips.

"You look gorgeous, Dani! Here put your hat on." My mother handed me my gold and white hat. I put it on my head and fixed my hair.

"Let's get some pictures!" said my mom. I stood there and smiled my best smile. It was kind of hard to keep my eyes open when the flash went off but I got through it.

"Hey, I'm gonna head to the school. I'm supposed to be there like 30 minutes early. So I'll see you guys there." And with that I grabbed my speech and walked out the door. I had so much confidence in the moment, yet so much doubt.


When I got to the school, I felt an urge to go lift weights. I really want to. But I know I can't. Maybe tomorrow. I pushed the stress away and walked toward the gym, where the ceremony is being held. Flowers were everywhere, blue and white streamers hung on the chairs, there were many balloons, and chairs placed in many rows. The bleachers were pulled out on my left. A few people have arrived and were sitting in the bleachers.

In that moment I felt scared. I imagined all of the bleachers filled and the whole class in the chairs. I would be speaking in front of all of them. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

This is it. My speech will be the last thing I will do before I am done at this school. The school will just be a memory to me. It's hard to picture not going to this school for the rest of my life.

I walked down to the hallway where I took most of my classes throughout high school, the other ones were upstairs. Suddenly, all of the memories, good and bad, flashed before my eyes. There were memories of friends, teachers, getting in trouble, and so much more.

When I snapped out of my daze, Lacey, Katrina, and Ryland stood in front of me. All of them were in blue caps and gowns. They all looked worried.

"Are you okay, Dani?" Lacey asked.

I noticed tears on my cheeks.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." I started to walk to the gym.

I didn't realize how long I had been gone. All of the senior class was here lined up outside the gym, ready to walk in.The girls showed up beside me. I refused to look them in the eye. I felt terrible for keeping that secret from them. I was being so selfish. After getting in order, music started playing and we walked into the gym. I sat down in my assigned seat, which was in the front because of my speech.

I was right about the gym being packed full. Seeing all these people made something twist in my stomach. Now I was really regretting getting good grades. I zoned out, thinking about my speech. Before I knew it they called my name.

"And now our Valedictorian, Danielle Roberts!" The principle said. There was cheering from my classmates and family.

This is it. Time to say goodbye. As I walked up to the stage, I looked up. I wanted to show how confident I was on the outside, because I really wasn't on the inside. When I got up to the microphone I tapped on it and it made a screeching sound. I pulled out my paper and started to read.

"This high school experience has been amazing for me. There had been many memories here, good and bad. It is an honor to be speaking in front of everyone here today. It's hard to believe that we are being sent out into the real world today. It feels like just yesterday, we were so excited that we survived Freshman year. Now we are graduating and going our own ways." I paused taking deep breaths.

"During this year, I tried to find myself. I didn't know what I wanted to do. By the end of this year, I still don't know what to do. It put so much stress upon me. And when I get stressed, I eat.

"When Katrina left for tour, I made myself a deal. When Katrina gets back at the end of the school year, I need to have lost at least 50 lbs. cause I'm a little over weight. So everyday for five hours, I would work until I couldn't breathe, then I would work even harder. It is actually harder than it looks. It's not just working out, its eating healthy too. I stand here today weighing 60 pounds lighter. And I feel fantastic. I used to always feel insecure and now I don't. This whole process has been life changing and I'm glad I could share it with you.

"I am so glad that we all made it this far, from thick and thin. I know a lot of you aren't here to listen to me talk or hear my life story, but it's been an honor spending my life at this school and I'm sad that it has ended. Go Blue. Thank you." I ended my speech and a roar of applauding filled the gym. People were yelling and whistling. Some people had stood up on their feet. Lacey, Ryland, and Katrina were in tears, and on their feet yelling my name. I stood there for a second taking it all in and smiled.

I stepped off the stage and went back to my seat. The applauding quieted down and the principal took over again, and started calling up names for diplomas.

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