Chapter 5

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"No! You are not going on tour to be a body guard! I will not let my daughter, my only child, be a body guard! That's for full grown men! You are going to college. Not next year, this year!" My father practically yelled at me.

I told my parents about my plans for college and being a body guard for Lacey and Ryland. My mother has stood in the corner the entire time. She hasn't said a word about anything.

"But I don't want to go to college, Dad! Not until I know what I want to do. That's why I want to go on tour! I can find myself." I told him.

"What about being a doctor? I thought you wanted to be a physician."

"I never wanted to be a doctor, Dad. That was all you. That's your dream for me. It's not my dream." Maybe he'll understand if I tell him some ideas of what I have. No, he will never understand my dreams.

He stood still for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I'm going on tour whether you like it or not. I'm not going to college until next year. I will still get scholarships and some full rides. I'm sure of it. I leave tomorrow at 11 p.m. for London. I don't know what the schedule is from there but I'll let you know when I'm back in America." I said calmly. I looked at both of them and said goodnight before going upstairs.

When I got to my room, I collapsed on my bed. I felt tears come to my eyes. Why is everything so overwhelming? After graduating yesterday, I thought I would feel better. Obviously everything gets worse.

I've already told Lacey that I was going to be a bodyguard. And I'm sure she told all of the girls once she found out.

I took a few deep breaths and sat on my bed. I took in the features of my room. Over my bed there were hundreds of pictures of people. From friends to family to celebrities. On my desk, across the room, is my laptop, a small lamp, a Glee coffee mug that holds pens, and many papers scattered all over. In the corner of the room was a small chair that I usually read in.

There were lights hanging around the perimeter of the room. My book shelf had many unread books and many labels. I organized the books from A-Z. Beside my book shelf is my dresser. On top of it is makeup, perfume, jewelry, and lotion. Taped to the mirror are many more pictures. I can tell the story behind every single one of them. Next to bed is a closet. It contains many dresses, fancy shirts, and jackets.

I scattered through my room trying to find a few suitcases. After I made my room look like a mess, I realized they were under my bed. I honestly felt utterly stupid at that point.

I made one suitcase one for my shirts, one for my pants, and one for underwear, bras, shoes, and dresses. I grabbed a smaller bag that I could use as a carry-on.

After I got all my packing done, I decided to go on a jog. Before I started working out, I hated running. But now I love it. It makes me feel free for an hour. It relaxes me.

I put on some running shorts, changed into a sports bra. and shoes. I fixed my hair and put it in a ponytail. I quietly go over to my door and lock it. I had put a note on my desk, next to a lit vanilla scented candle, that said something about going out on a run. I sat on the window sill waiting for something to happen. I've snuck out multiple times before to go to parties or to just get out of the house. This time it felt different. I felt childish. Maybe because I just graduated and I'm not a kid anymore.

I ignored the feeling and climbed out the window. I swung into the first branch by my window. From there I shimmied down the tree trunk. I looked towards the trail though the woods behind our backyard. I started in a full out sprint to the trail and I didn't look back.


When I climbed back into my window it was nearly dark. I didn't realize I would be out for that long. But it felt good, really good. In my room, my mom was seated in my messy bed. The note I written before going out was in her hands. The candle that was lit next to it was blown out. The door was wide open. That's the reason why I left a note, my mom has a spare key.

"I didn't realize you would be out this late." She said as I sat at my desk. Mom didn't sound mad, but she didn't sound happy either.

"I just really needed a run."

"Well I gathered that..." She gestured to my clothing and my sweatiness.

"Yeah, well I'm going to go take a shower. I kind of stink."

"I wanted to talk to you first. It's about the tour and college." I had always wondered what she thought about this. Mother always stood off too the side, not saying anything.

"If you want to give me a lecture about how I should be a doctor and everything, save your breath. I'm not changing my mind on anything. I'm going to go on tour." I told her before she could say anything else.

"I want you to go on tour. I think it will be really good for you." The words that came out of her mouth shocked me. She wanted me to go? Does Dad know about this.

"Wait! What?" I stuttered.

"I think it would be a fantastic idea for you to go. Your grownup and I trust you. Your father would much rather you go to college. And honestly I just think that he's not ready for you to growup. So, here's my plan."

My mother tells me a plan on how to trick my father into letting me go on tour. And I think it's going to work.


The next day I walk into my dads office.

"Dad, I'm sorry about everything. I should've listened to you and applied for college. That's why I'm going to a community college in Maine. They are one of the only ones still accepting applications. And to get there in time I have to leave tonight." I watched closely at my fathers facial expression. He showed no emotion. And then I saw a smile creep into his face.

"I knew you would change your mind! That's great Danielle. I'm so excited for you. So what are you going to be studying? Medical, teaching...."

"Actually law. I think I want to be a Judge. Something along that line." I looked down at me feet. Was this actually working? Was I really going to get away with this?

"That's amazing, Danielle. So do you need a ride to the airport or..." I didn't let him finish.

"Mom is going to drive me. I figured you had enough on your hands right now. I better go get everything together, I leave in a few hours."

"I'll see you later then." He said with a big Cheshire grin on his face. I backed out of the room and went to my own. My mom was sitting in my bed. I smiled and gave her the biggest hug in the world. I was really going. This is all really happening.


After a while of hugging my dad and crying on my moms shoulder, I got on the plane with Katrina, Ryland, and Lacey. On the plane we sat in twos. Lacey and Ryland sat behind Katrina and I. The plane ride was scary at first but was fine when we got in the air. I felt bad for Lacey though, she had a little kid behind her that kept kicking her seat the whole way to London.

Once we got to London, it was around 10 in the morning. We took a cab to One Directions apartment. Everyone was starting to get nervous. When we made it to outside their apartment door everyone was fidgeting. Nobody knew who should go first. So of course, being their bodyguard, they chose me.

I knocked loudly on the door and heard a deep voice say to come in. I walked in slowly and before me stood 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction.

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