The Sorting Hat's Song (2022)

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I'm very happy to share the following poem! I created it for the seventeenth chapter of my first novel, Gideon Drake and the Fire Within. The story is a Harry Potter sequel of sorts. Naturally, it features the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, which composes and sings a different song every year at the school's start-of-term banquet. I didn't want to skip such a magical moment, so I wrote this fun little ditty for the hat to warble. I hope you enjoy it and if so, I hope you'll check out my book!


Our four great founders came together
With a big idea.
A school of magic they decided,
Would be built that year.
The name and place were chosen quickly,
Off to work they went.
With mastery they built a castle,
Grand and resplendent.

But then it came to those to teach,
And there they disagreed.
The four were split and wouldn't settle,
So they turned to me.
A wise old hat I may have been,
But how was I to know,
Whom to sort in to which house,
I needed more info.

For Gryffindor, the brave were favoured
Among those he knew.
For Slytherin, only the proudest
Of the bunch would do.
Dear Ravenclaw, would take the wisest
Minds among the group.
Dear Hufflepuff, would take the loyal
And forgotten few.

Other things are of importance,
That is well and true.
But certain traits just make it easier
For me to choose.
For I'm the sorting hat, you see,
I'll look inside your head.
So pop me on, I'll sort you fast,
And then it's off to bed!

Written in Colour (My Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now