I want to help

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Warning: Child abuse and no-no words

Nico's POV

To say I was worried was an understatement. After two months of not seeing Leo, when he does he is hurt and scared. The second time I see him he is saying he can't be with me anymore and that Teresa has to do something about it.

I'm not stupid, it's obvious Teresa hurts him, but I want to Leo tell me himself and what exactly does she do to him so I can help him. Tomorrow is a new week of school, the day where Lee-lee will finally tell me what's happening.

"I'm so happy Leo's back!" Hazel exclaimed, she invited all the 'gang' to our house: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Frank. Leo said he couldn't go, 'I have some family problems right now' that's what he said. Yeah right, and I'm not gay.

"I know right?" Piper said, interrupting Nico's trail of thought. "It was getting boring with just the seven of us, don't get me wrong, I love spending time with y'all but-"

"No, I agree" Percy said, "Leo was always making jokes and keeping everyone more happy, and sorry, even Nico" Hazel glared at him.

"No. You're right Percy, I was happier with Leo here, he's my boyfriend for God's sake." I replied, the comment made Piper and Hazel squealed and fangirl about 'how cute they look together' or 'how they're my OTP'. Heck even Percy and Jason were squealing, Jason always let himself loose when he's with his bro, Percy, so it was expected.

"Bro, you should hear yourself when you squeal, it's so hilarious and adorable at the same time." Percy laughed.

It went like that until it was midnight, and they left. I went to my room and tried to fall asleep.

(The next day at school)

Leo isn't here, he said he would be here to tell me what this Teresa is doing to him, I had many theories, I couldn't sleep without thinking the worst.

Finally, I saw the familiar curly hair, Leo has been wearing hoodies all the time, he never takes it off. And it's always the same hoodie, a grey one.

"Hey Nico," Leo said.

'Nico? Just that? No Neeks or Angel? He never calls me Nico'

"Um hey..Leo" I said, trying to hide my sadness but clearly he noticed. He just looked at me with a sad and pained expression, then left.

"No wait. Leo!" I called for him, he didn't even look back.

(Skip to lunch)

Leo was ignoring me, that's a fact. We have almost every class together and in all of them he did his best to sit as far away from me, I knew he said he couldn't be with me anymore but at least I thought we could still be friends, besides, he said he would tell me today what Teresa is doing.

I grew more and more annoyed with Leo for ignoring that I slammed hard my juice on the table, spilling my juice. I didn't care.

I headed to Leo, grabbed his worst and dragged him to the bathroom, ignoring his protests. I opened the bathroom, we entered, and I locked the door.

I turned around and saw him glaring at me with his arms crossed, I could tell the glare was fake, "What's wrong with you? You can't just drag me into this freaking bathroom and lock us here!" Leo exclaimed.

"Well you said we were going to explain what's going on. And when it's finally Monday you just ignore me like I don't even exist!" I was getting sadder by the second, "It hurts Leo, it hurts how you feel like you shouldn't be near me..."

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