Things are getting better

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Chapter 2*
Now that things are getting better, your happy. Every morning Cedric playfully kisses you on the head, But that doesn't mean anything. Your at the great hall eating breakfast, as you hear Cedric laughing and talking to his friends. "Y/N! Follow me" Fred says. You wonder whats wrong but you don't know yet. We get to the west towers as we see Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore. "Draco! What are you doing! STOP". The next thing you know Snape comes to the West tower and say"AVADA KEDAVRA". Dumbledore falls off the west towers and dies. You run out crying. Cedric came looking for and sees you sitting on the floor crying. "Whats wrong?" Cedrics says in a worried voice. "Fred told me to follow him to the west towers and I see Draco pointing his wand at Dumbledore, then Snape comes in and kills Dumbledore, I thought things were better." You say crying as Cedric wraps you in his arms. You and Cedric stand up as Cedric wipes away your tears, you were both late for potions. "Cedric and Y/N your late! Why would you two be late?" Snape asks. "Well, for one you killed Dumbledore and Y/N started crying because of you". Cedric says angrily. You and Cedric sit down, as you start to read a book. Snape finally got done teaching and potions ended. Time went by, as all of the classes were over. You walk to the quidditch field, when Cedric runs up behind you and playfully kisses you on top of the head. "So, who do you think is gonna win?" Cedric asks you as he lifts you up from the ground and puts you on his shoulder. "I don't know, I'm cheering for Hufflepuff though". Cedric puts you down so you can walk to the seats at the quidditch field. "Go Hufflepuff!" You say cheering. Cedric looks at you and says "are you going to the Yule Ball tonight?".  "Yeah. Why are you asking?" You ask Cedric. "I wasn't gonna go if you didn't go.." Cedric said. At that point you thought he was going to ask you to the Yule Ball but you didn't get your hopes up. The gamed ended and Hufflepuff won. You went back to the common room to pick out your Yule Ball dress. "Ah, yes this is perfect, now time for the heels, yes! This should be a good outfit for the Yule Ball". You say to yourself. You walk out of the common room and see every girl getting asked to the Yule Ball. "Y/N have you been asked to the ball yet?" Says Fred. "No, why?" You ask confused. "Well, I know someone who wants to, George bring him out!" Fred yells to his twin. You see Cedric. Could Cedric possibly asking you to the Ball? "Y/N, I know I said I wasn't ready for love but, something inside me doesn't feel right, but would you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Cedric asks as he blushes. You didn't know what to say at first. "Um, Sure I would love to!" You say as Cedric picks you up and spins you. It was almost time for the Yule ball, so you go to your common and get dressed. "I'm sure Cedric will love this dress." You say to yourself as you put perfume and your heels on.You walk out and see Cedric holding flowers and waiting for you. "Shall we go?" Cedric says as he playfully kisses you on your head. "We shall". You and Cedric walk to the Great Hall Of Hogwarts. "Y/N, will you take this dance?" Cedric asks you. "I will". You say getting up. Everyone is dancing to a slow song. "Y/N, I said I wasn't ready for love, but something wasn't right when I said that. Every day I look at you it feels like i fall in love with you and I do". Cedric says whispering into your ear. Fred and George looks at you and smiles. "Cedric I love you, and you know that. We hang out everyday and my love for you gets stronger, but when you said you weren't ready for love, that weakened, but now it's stronger".  "Y/N, I love you too, so would you want to be my girlfriend?" Cedric asks. "Of course!" You say. Cho looks over and gets jealous. "Y/N what do you think your doing with my crush!" Cho says angrily. "What I'm doing is slow dancing with him, and being his new girlfriend, so get over it!" You scolded. "Y/N let's not start this at the dance". Cedric says trying to calm you down. Cho walks away. You couldn't help but smile after Cedric asked you to be his girlfriend. You thought to yourself that he was ready for love now. Cedric grabs you by the hand and takes you outside. Cedric puts one hand on the wall and the other on your side, the next thing your know your kissing him. "Wicked!" Fred and George say. "Fred! George! Don't ever  sneak up on us like that!" You say. "Sorry sorry we will be leaving". Fred and George walk away. "I guess we better go back." Cedric says as he takes off his jacket and hangs it over his shoulder. "Yeah I guess we better go back." You say walking back holding hands with Cedric.  Everyone takes pictures and shakes hands with people. You were getting tired. You fell asleep on the seat where you and Cedric were sitting. Cedric gets back with a drink. "Well,  she fell asleep, guess I better take her to the common room." Cedric says as he picks up you up and takes you to the common room. Cedric lays you the couch and he sits beside you as he plays with your hair. You wake up with your head on his lap. "What happened?" You ask as you yawned.  "You fell asleep at the Yule Ball". Cedric says. "Oh" you get up and change your clothes into something comfortable. Cedric grabs you by the waist and starts dancing with you. You lay your head on Cedrics shoulder as your dancing with him. Cedric walks to the boys bedroom. You go to the girls bedroom. You get in bed and read a book. You forgot today was Friday and tomorrow was Saturday. The next morning you wake up. You change into your clothes and go outside of the common room. "Good morning!" Cedric says. "Good morning". You reply as Cedric lifts you on his shoulder. Years went by and it was finally their 6th year, almost their last year.

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