Dear Cedric

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Chapter 7.. last chapter*
It's been a year without Cedric. Your still having a hard time getting used to him being gone, but you try. You head downstairs and hear everyone talking. You sit down at the table as Narcissa fixes you a plate to eat. "Good morning y/n." She says. "Good morning." You say. "Y/n, I'm tired of you still being sad about Cedric! Get over it!" Lucius says. "Oh! Get over it? Have someone that you love and die and see how you feel!" You say angrily as you push your plate away from you and walk up stairs mad. "Lucius Malfoy! You see what you done!" Narcissa says. "I don't care." He says. Draco comes upstairs to check on you. "Y/n..?" Draco says as he knocks on your bedroom door. "Come in." You say. "Look, I'm sorry about my father. You're gonna have to ignore him." He says hugging you. "I know. Can you tell aunt Narcissa to put my plate away." You say. "Sure." Draco says. You hear Lucius and your father fighting, but you ignore it.

You start to get ready, as you see a diary on your desk. You go see what the dairy is. It was the dairy that Cedric got you before he died. After your done getting ready you grab the diary and the quill next to it. You head down stairs and go out the door. You make it to Cedrics grave and sit down next to it. "Dear Cedric," you start to write in the dairy as you hear footsteps coming toward you. "Hello." The voice says. "Hello?" You say as you don't look up. "My dear, don't be afraid" the voice says as it picks you up and wraps their arms around you tightly. It was Bellatrix. "Let me go!" You say struggling to get out. "Shhhh." She says putting a hand around your mouth. Your father, Draco, comes to where you are and sees you. "Let her go!" Draco says. "Hahaha, here! Have her." Bellatrix says and she shoves you to Draco. Draco grabs you and puts you behind him as your father gets in front as well. Bellatrix runs off for no reason. So your father and Draco stay with you as you sit at Cedrics gave writing in your dairy. "Dear Cedric, I love you and all ways will even though your gone. It's been a year without you." You write. You hear a rustling noise in the wind and you see Cedrics spirit. "Hello, y/n! I love you too. Promise me not to do anything to get your self killed." He says as he drifts away. Your father looks at you and says "ready to go home?" He says. You nod your head as he helps you up.

Your walking back home as you look at Draco and lay your head on his shoulder. You walk through the doors at the Malfoy manor as Narcissa looks at you. "Well, look at that cousins looking out for each other, how sweet!" She says smiling. Lucius rolls his eyes. You and Draco sit on the couch to watch a movie to help Cedrics death get off your mind. "Y/n, dear." Narcissa says. "Yes auntie?" You say looking at her. "I have a cup of hot chocolate ready for you and Draco if you want." Narcissa says as she sits the cups on the counter. "Of course!" You say as you get up to get the cups. You hand Draco his cup of cocoa and he starts drinking it.

The movie finished and you were tired. You head upstairs to get ready for bed. You had been having these nightmares since Cedric has been gone. Your nightmares were about other people leaving you. Your getting ready for bed Lucius comes storming into your bedroom. "That's it! I'm tired of these nightmares, keep it up and you and your father are leaving!" He says. "It's not my fault! Have Narcissa die and see how you feel!" You say as you run downstairs crying. You walk outside and slam the door when you walk out. "Lucius Malfoy!" What did you do to her!" Narcissa says. "I told her I'm tired of the nightmares and if she keeps it up her and her father are leaving!" He says. "It's not her fault!" She says. Your father heard you slam the doors but he didn't know it was you. He comes and checks on you to see if you had a nightmare but you were gone. "Where is she Malfoy!" Your father says getting mad at Lucius. "I don't know! I do know I made her mad!" Lucius says. Your father storms out of the house to find you. "Y/n! Y/n where are you!" He says getting worried.

He finally finds you laying on the ground. "Draco.. what happened to her." Eli says kneeling down to you. "I heard where father made her mad and I followed her and I found Bellatrix beside her. Bellatrix ran away and y/n was covered in blood." Draco says. "Please! Y/n, stay with me." Your father says. Your covered in blood from where Bellatrix attacked you. Your father picks you up and takes you home. You, Your father, and Draco make it home. "Eli! What happened." Narcissa says running over to you and your father. "Bellatrix attacked her when she ran away." He says. Narcissa grabs a towel and lays it on the couch so your father can lay you on the couch. Draco hears someone knocking on the door so he goes over there and opens it. "Draco! I heard what happened to y/n. Narcissa called and told me." Luna says. "Luna! She's on the couch if you wanna see her." Draco says letting her in. Luna comes over to you and checks on you. Draco is standing there wondering if your ok. Then he gets a flashback.
*Draco's flashback*
Draco walks into the great hall and sees Harry talking to Katie about Draco's task. Harry turns around and looks at Draco. Draco starts running to the boys bathroom and Harry follows him. Draco starts panicking and turns on the water. He takes off his sweater and splashes his face with water. Harry comes in and says "I know what you did Malfoy!" Harry says pointing his wand at Draco. Draco turns around with tears in his eyes. They starts fighting. Harry hits Draco with a spell that knocks him down. Snape comes in and Harry runs out. Draco is crying in the bathroom floor with blood on him as the bathroom floods. Snape uses a spell to heal Draco.

Draco finally snapped out of his flashback and saw you still laying there. The blood was gone from your body. After hours your eyes starts blinking and you wake up. Draco was half asleep until he saw you wake up. "Y/n! Your awake!" Draco says running to you. "What happened?" You say hugging Draco. "You were attacked by Bellatrix." He says. Everyone else was asleep besides you and Draco. You go to bed as you hear with rustling sound coming from your window. Cedrics spirit comes in. "Y/n! You promised. You promised me you wouldn't get hurt! Why?" The spirit says. "I'm sorry! I didn't know what happened." You say as his spirit goes away.

THE END!!!!!! I hope you enjoyed the story. I'm also working on another story.

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