Christmas at Hogwarts

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Chapter 4*
Months went by and it was Christmas time. The day before their last year.  You wake up and go down stairs out of the girls bedroom. "Wow! The tree is pretty!" You say to yourself. "Merry Christmas Y/N!" Cedric says walking down stairs from the boys bedroom. Cedric hands you present from him. "Hmm, I wonder what it is." You say as you open it. "Wow Cedric! It's beautiful". You say. He got you a necklace, that has your name on it. "Well, Cedric I got you something." You say as you hand it to him.  As he opens it he says, "Y/N, did you make this?" He asks. "No, I found it in my moms closet before I left for Hogwarts, so I changed the last name to Diggory". You say blushing. He puts on the jacket and stands up. "Wow Cedric you look handsome in that!" You say.  "Well, Y/N I have one more present for you." Cedric says as he hands you his present. You open it. "Cedric this is beautiful, where did you find a ring like this?" You say putting it on.  "Before I came to Hogwarts, I went to some jewelry store and got it for you since we were best-friends and if we ever dated". He says.  He kisses you on top of the head as the Hufflepuff prefect comes in". "Hello Cedric and Y/N!". The prefect says. "Hello!" You and Cedric say.  "I want to take pictures of you two having Christmas here! Is that ok?" Gabriel Truman asks. "Of course you can go ahead!" You say. She takes picture and walks out to give the picture to one of the teachers.  You and Cedric just sit there and Cedric says "so, I know we've been best friends for years, but you never told  me about your family, what's up with that?" Cedric asks. "Well, my whole family were Slytherin, and I'm the only Hufflepuff, my dad was part of the death eaters and my mom is in Azkaban..." you say as you sigh. "Wow.. Y/N, What's your parents names then?" He asks. "Eli Malfoy is my dad, my dad is brothers with Lucius Malfoy so he is my uncle, my mom is Alisha Malfoy, so I'm kind to the Malfoy... and Draco is my cousin". You say as you lay your head on Cedrics lap. "Then why aren't you a Slytherin". He asks as he plays with your hair.  "I'm different, my parents didn't care about me and I had a different attitude". You say. "Wow, I've never met a Hufflepuff with a family full of Slytherins". Cedric says. "Well now you have". You say laughing. You and Cedric get up and go outside to see it snow.  "Hey! Y/N and Cedric wanna play with us?" George yells as he throws a snowball at you. "Sure! Cmon Cedric". You say walking to George. You grab some snow and make a snow ball. "Hey Malfoy! Look out !" You say as you throw the snowball at Draco. "Oh! Two can play that game." Draco says as he throws the snowball at you and hits you in the head. "What was that for! Ugh, I'll get you Draco!" You say as you throw a bunch of snowballs at him  and he runs off. "What scaredy cat!" You say laughing.  "Cedric? Cedric where are you?" You say looking for Cedric. You run to the common room to see if Cedric is there. "Cedric! What happened..?" You say as you see Cedric laying on the couch. "I- I was getting a headache outside and it got worse then I passed out." Cedric says as you sit down with him. "Really?! Are you ok!?" You say getting worried. "Yes, I'm fine." He says. "Ok, good you had me worried". You say as you lay your head on Cedrics chest. You get up and go upstairs to the girls bedroom. You go to the mirror you have in the girls bedroom and put on the necklace that Cedric got you, then you put on the ring. You walk back down stairs and forget you have one more present for Cedric. "Hey Cedric." You say grabbing the present. "Yes y/n." He says standing up. "I have one more present for you, it's a note type thing that I wrote when I was younger and it was about you". You say. "Well, I'll read that" Cedric says as he reads it. He starts to tear up as he brushes his hair with his fingers as he tries not to cry. "Well, I have one for you as well, just like yours". He says. You grab the note and start reading it. You start to tear up and cry. As your crying you run to Cedric and hug him. He pulls you up from his chest and wipes away your tears. "Y/n, tomorrow is our last day here and I wanna do something before we leave". He says as he kneels to the ground and grabs an engagement ring. "Will you marry me y/n?" He says looking into your eyes. "Of course I will Cedric! I love you!" You say as you start crying and hug Cedric. He puts the ring on your finger. "Oh hello, y/n! Is that and engagement ring?" Luna says. "Why yes it is Luna, Cedric just proposed to me!" You say as you hug Luna since you haven't seen her in a long time. "It's beautiful, your probably asking how I got in here, well I'm a Ravenclaw so I know the correct barrel- haha I'm only kidding Professor sprout told me". She says. "Haha, that's ok I didn't care anyways!" You say laughing. You, Luna, and Cedric walk outside to the courtyard. Luna walks off to her friends. "Y/n what's on your finger?" Draco asks. "Draco don't be mad at me since were are cousins but... it's an engagement ring". You say. "Y/n!?!? My father will here about this!" Draco says. "I don't care about your father, and if he hears about it either!" You say yelling at Draco as he walks off. You and Cedric sit down in the snow. " I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here!" You say as you lay your head on Cedric shoulder. "Me either". He says. "So- what are we gonna do for our honeymoon after we graduate and get married?" You say. "I don't know I never really planned that out yet, but go somewhere very beautiful like you." Cedric says smiling. "Well Cedric that was very sweet of you, and your handsome." You say. You and Cedric get up because it was getting dark. "Good night!" Cedric says kissing you. "Good night darling!" You say smiling. You walk up to the girls bedroom and change clothes and go to sleep.  You wake up from a nightmare as your sweating. Cedric heard you scream from your nightmare so he comes and checks on you. "What's wrong y/n!?!?" Cedric says as he wipes the sweat off of you. "I had a nightmare, that y-you died.." you say. "Y/n I'll be with you for a longtime, I'm not gonna die any time soon, unless that's how my life goes". He says. "I know, I'm just afraid of loosing you". You say as Cedric holds you. "It will be alright. Go back to bed and get sleep, tomorrow is our last day here." Cedric says as he kisses you on top of your head. You walk up to bed and go to sleep. The next morning you wake up, you saw a note on the side of your bed. "Everyone must meet at the great hall when they wake up since today is our last day here for the 7th years" the note says." You get up and change. "Cedric you up?" You say walking down the stairs. "Yeah I'm up I'm waiting for you!" He yells back." You walk out with Cedric and head to the great hall. You sit down as Cedric sits beside you. Everyone becomes quiet. "Alright everyone today is our 7th years last day here!" Professor Mcgonagall says. Everyone starts clapping. After they got done with what was going on In the great hall for the last day you and Cedric walk out. "Man, time flew and it's our last day here!" Cedric says. "That's for sure, let's head back to the common room and start packing!" You say smiling. You get back to the common room and start packing your clothes.  You get finished packing and walk outside with your luggage. You and Cedric meet up at the entrance of Hogwarts where everyone is saying goodbye. People are hugging and shaking hands. "Bye y/n!" Fred and George say as they hug you. "Bye George and Fred!" You say as your start to tear up.  Everyone walks off from Hogwarts as you start to cry. "Hogwarts is a lovely home". You say looking at Cedric. "Indeed it is". Cedric replies. After you finally get home with Cedric it was time to meet Cedric dad, Amos Diggory. "Ms. Y/n! So your the girl your bestfriends/dating my son?" Amos Diggory asks. "Yes I am! Your son is very sweet!" You say as you hug Cedrics dad. "I'm very pleased that you two are made for each other! Now go make your self at home". Amos says as he hugs you. "Cedric, do you know about her family?" Amos says. "Yes father, she is the only Hufflepuff in her family, her family are part of death eaters and Prisoner of Azkaban" Cedric says. "Hm, I hated her mom and dad anyways, now go help y/n" Amos says. "Yes father" Cedric replies as he walks away to help you. Cedric comes in and helps you unpack your clothes. "Thank you Cedric!" You say. "Your welcome!" Cedric says as he puts your clothes in the closet. You move your luggage to the floor and sit by Cedric on your bed. "So, when are we getting married?" Cedric asks. "I'm thinking about in 2 weeks or this weekend". You say as you lay your head on Cedrics lap. "Ok, well keep thinking". Cedric says as he gets up. You get up to go tell Amos something. "Hey Amos, can I tell you something.......?" You say as you fidget with your hands. "Sure, what is it?" Amos asks. "I'm engaged to your son.." you say as you show him your ring. "Well..  that's very surprising." He says. "I know-" you say as you get cut off by Cedric. "Y/n are you telling him about our engagement?" Cedric asks. "Yes, I don't know if he is happy that we are.." you reply. "Father, are you happy that I'm engaged to her..?" Cedric asks. "Well, um, if you two love each other then I'm happy." Amos says. "Great, when would be a good time to get married?" You ask. "I say this weekend!" Amos says. "I agree dad! Y/n do you agree?" Cedric asks. "I agree!" You say as you smile. Everyone starts smiling. You go to your bedroom and get the wedding dress you and Luna picked out before everyone left Hogwarts. Cedric comes in and sees the wedding dress. "Y/n where did you get this?" He asks as he puts his arm around you. "Me and Luna went to the muggle world and got this before we left." You say. "Ah, ok it is very beautiful" Cedric says. Days go by and it was Saturday, the day you and Cedric get married. You hear knocking at the door, so you go see who it is. "Luna! Your here!" You say as you hug Luna. "Of course I'm here! Now let's go get you in that dress!" Luna says as you and her walk to your bedroom. You put on the dress as Luna zips up the back. "Ah, your gorgeous! Let's get the hair and makeup done". Luna says smiling. "I'm so nervous!" You say laughing. "Oh don't be darling, you'll be fine" Luna says as she fixes your hair. Hours gone by and it was time for you to walk down the isle. Your walking down the isle and you can't help but smile. You get to Cedric and you stare at each other as your hands meet. After the person gets done talking you put Cedrics ring on he puts your ring on. Cedric kisses you and you kiss him. Cedric picks you up and you walk down the isle back home.

I didn't think about making another chapter for the wedding soo, it might not make since but oh well.

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