After the Wedding

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Chapter 5*
It's been one week after the wedding.  "So, how does it feel to be a Diggory?" Cedric asks. "I love being a Diggory!" You say as you kiss Cedric. You here knocking on the door so you answer it. "Y/N!?! Why didn't you tell me you AND CEDRIC WERE GETTING MARRIED." Draco says as he comes in. "Draco... I'm sorry! I thought you had other plans with life after Hogwarts!" You say as you try to stop Draco. "Your dead Cedric!" Draco says angrily. "What do you want Malfoy!" Cedric says. "Your WIFE didn't tell me she was getting married!" Draco says as he gets madder. "Ok, what does IT MATTER TO YOU!?!" Cedric says as he gets mad. "WELL SHE IS MY COUSIN AND I CARE ABOUT HER!" Draco says as he slaps Cedric. "OK, SHUT UP, IM TIRED OF IT". You say as you put our arms between Cedric and Draco. They shut up. "Listen Draco, if you cared about me, then why did you go talk bad about me, huh?" You say. "I- I didn't have a choice my dad made me be evil". He says. "Ok, well get out before more drama starts". You say calming Draco and Cedric down.  Draco walks out. "I'm sorry about him darling, he gets a little jealous sometimes". You say. "I understand, thats ok y/n" Cedric says as he kisses you on top of the head. You start to feel dizzy after you yelled at Cedric and Draco. "I feel dizzy.." you say as you pass out. "Dad! Dad! I need help!" Cedric says as he kneels down to you. "What is it son- oh my y/n!" Amos says. "What happened?" Amos asks. "Me and Draco started to fight and she yelled and told Draco to get out when she calmed us down, then she got dizzy and passed out." Cedric says as he starts to get nervous. "It's ok, help me lift her on the bed and wait until she wakes up, ok?" Cedrics dad says. "Ok." Cedric says as he helps his dad.  You finally wake up after being passed out for hours. "Cedric!? Amos!?" You say as you forget where you are. "Hey hey, it's me Cedric". He says as he calms you down before you have a panic attack. "Oh ok, where am I? What happened?" You say as Cedric sits beside you. "Me and Draco started fighting and you yelled and told us to shut up and made Draco leave, then you got dizzy and passed out". He says as he holds your hand. "Oh ok, I remember now". You say.  "Good. Now get some rest". Cedric says as he kisses you on top on the head and walks out of your bedroom. You fall asleep. You wake up the next day. Cedric ends up still asleep. You get up and make him coffee. Cedric gets up and sees you sitting on the couch. "Morning sweetheart!" Cedric says. "Morning dear". You say. You hear knocking and you get up to see who it is. "Hello?"You say. "Y/n?" The person at the door says. "Father!?! Is that you?" You say. "It is y/n, can I come in?" Your father says. "Sure, come in.." you say letting him in. You hug your father after a long time no see. "Why are you here?" You ask as you start to cry because your father only cared about you. "Draco told me you were here, so I wanted to come see my little girl!" He says. "Well,I'm glad your the only family member who cared about me." You says. "Can I meet your husband?" Your father asks. "Sure! Cedric! Come meet my father!" You say. "Coming dear!" Cedric comes walking in. "Eli Malfoy! Y/n's father I've heard about you". Cedric says as he shakes your dads hand. "I sure am, you don't have to worry I'm the only family member who cares about her anyways". Your father says as he shakes Cedrics hand. "So y/n do I have a grandson or granddaughter yet?" He asks as he laughs. "No not yet dad, let's not bring that up!" You say laughing in embarrassment. "By the way, is mom still in Azkaban?" You ask. "Nope, she died in Azkaban from a broken heart because she missed you and she thought you hated her". Your father says. "Oh ok.." you say. Your father leaves. "Well, your father isn't that bad." Cedric says. "Yeah yeah, everyone thought he was bad but he really ain't ". You say as you get ready for bed. You and Cedric go to bed. You have another nightmare. "No no, please! CEDRIC NO!" You say as you wake up from your nightmare. "Y/n what's wrong?" Cedric asks as he calms you down. "I had a nightmare again, and were getting attacked by death eaters and you died from Voldemort." You say. "Why do you keep getting those nightmares? It don't make since!" Cedric says. "I don't know, I'm just going to forget about it and go back to sleep." You say. You back to sleep. You wake up the morning, Cedric is not in the bed, so you guess he is up. You walk out of your bedroom as you see Cedric standing up against the counter drinking his coffee. "Morning darling!" You say as you fix your self a cup of coffee. "Morning dear! So I have something planned for us." He says. "What is it?" You say."So, I planned for go see Hogwarts for our honeymoon." Cedric says as he smiles at you. "Oh that's nice! Is that why our luggage is in the floor?" You ask as you wash dishes. "Mhm." Cedric says drying off the dishes.  You and Cedric leave to go see Hogwarts again. You get to Hogwarts and see Luna and Draco. "Luna! What are you doing here?" You say as you hug Luna. "Oh, y/n! I got married to Rolf Scamander and he said we would come back here for our honeymoon!" Luna says as she hugs you. "Wow!  Cedric did the same thing for me!" You say smiling. You go over to see Draco. "There's my cousin! What are you doing here?" You say as you hug Draco. "Who are you? And why are you hugging my husband?" Astoria Greengrass asks. "Listen she's my cousin don't freak out!" Draco says. "Ok ok." She says. "Anyways, I married her and this was our honeymoon, and I see Cedric did the same". Draco says smiling. "Yeah, do I have a baby cousin yet?" You ask. "No not yet!" Draco says laughing. "Cedric I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, I overreact sometimes." Draco says trying to apologize to Cedric. "It's fine Draco I understand." Cedric says.  They both shake hands and apologize. "Hey, uh y/n, how's your mom doing?" Draco asks. "Oh, um she died in Azkaban from a broken heart because she missed me and she thought I hated her." You says. "Oh. Well, I'm gonna go see where Astoria is." Draco says as he walks off. You and Cedric walk through the halls of Hogwarts. Luckily it's was the weekend so the students didn't have class. You and Cedric go check out the Hufflepuff common room to see if it was still the same. It was still the same. You bump into Astoria knocking her down. "Could you watch where going!" Astoria says rudely. "Sorry, oh by the way, Draco is looking for you." You say rolling your eyes and you walk away. "What's her deal?" Cedric asks. "She's just mad at me because I hugged Draco and she didn't know he was my cousin." You say. Cedric jut shrugs his shoulders. You and Cedric have been there for hours so you and him decided to go home. You get home and it was dark. You get ready for bed. "Night y;n." Cedric says. "Night dear." You say. You get in bed and cover up. That whole night you didn't have a nightmare. You get up and hear Cedric on the phone. "Mhm, ok, thanks bye". Cedric says as he hangs up the phone. "What was that about." You ask. "Well, Hogwarts picked random boys from each house and the want me to be in a tournament since Dumbledore died." Cedric says. "Oh well when do we leave?" You ask. "Now." He says everything is packed up and ready to go. You and Cedric head out to Hogwarts for the tournament. You get to the outside of Hogwarts. They get ready for the tournament and they start. You don't see Cedric for awhile, so you get worried.

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