Love gets stronger

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Chapter 3*
It's their 6th year. Love just keeps getting stronger and all you think about is the last year, where you can marry Cedric, but you have one more year so you have to wait. You walk to potions and someone comes up and lifts you off the ground onto their shoulder, it was Cedric. "Good morning sunshine!". Cedric says. "Good morning darling." You say as you kiss Cedric on top of the head. You make it to potions and sit down where you and Cedric sit. As normal you smell Cedric, honey, butter beer and, broomstick. Cedric smells you, honey, sunflowers, butter beer. You walk of to charms as someone hugs you from behind. "You can't walk without me, or can you?" Cedric says in a soft sweet voice. "I can't walk without you, you know that." You say laughing. You walk into charms as everyone stares at you and mumbles "Cedrics got a girlfriend.". You roll your eyes because you hear one of them say it. Everyone picks up their wand and starts saying a spell. Time went by and all of the classes ended. You walk to the courtyard as you see Cedric sitting down reading a book, so you sat down next to him. "Hello, Y/N!". Cedric says smiling. "Hello Cedric!"  You hear footsteps as someone walks up to you. You looked up, ginger hair, tall, Fred. "Hello Fred." You say as Cedric looks at you. "Hello, so you got a boyfriend, Diggory?" Fred says looking at Cedric. "Yes, and I know you won't start any drama because you like me, but still you could." You say as you stand up to Fred. "What do you mean I like you?" Fred says confused. "Oh come on, remember when we were walking to the great hall and you said you liked me, and Cedric was gone to the bathroom". You say. "Ah yes, now I remember, well I'll leave you to love birds alone". Fred walks away and you sit back down next to Cedric. "So, Fred likes you?" Cedric asks. "Yes but it's not a big deal that he likes me". "Y/N, it is a big deal, what if he kisses you or something that people would do if they are dating?" Cedric says as he puts his arms around you. "He won't, quit worrying I'll be fine". You say. It was getting dark, so you and Cedric headed back to the common room. "Where have you two been? You were supposed to be in your common rooms 20 minutes ago!" Filch says. " Professor Filch! We are so sorry, we lost time I promise!". You say. "Mhm sure, now go on!". Filch walks away and you and Cedric keep on walking. "So tomorrow's the weekend, what are we gonna do?" You whisper to Cedric. "I don't know go on a butter beer date?" Cedric says walking into the Hufflepuff common room. Everyone was asleep besides you and Cedric. You look at Cedric and smirk and he smirks back. You lay your books on the couch. The next thing you know you and Cedric are kissing. He wraps his arms around you.  "Y/N! Cedric! What are you two doing your supposed to be in bed!" The Hufflepuff prefect says. "Oh we are so sorry." You say laughing.  You walk to the girls bedroom and change into pajamas. You get in bed and go to sleep. You wake up that morning. "It's Saturday!" You say to your self as you change into clothes. You walk out of the common room as Cedric grabs your hand. "I'm starving." Cedric says kissing you on the head. "Me too." You finally made it to the great hall to eat breakfast. After you finished your breakfast you wait outside for Cedric. "Ready for our butter beer date?" Cedric asks smiling. "Yes I am!" You say. You and Cedric get to Hogsmeade. "Two butter beers!" Cedric yells. You get your butter beer and take a drink. "Hahah Cedric you have a butter beer mustache!" You say laughing at Cedric. "Ahaha so do you!" Cedric says laughing at you too. "Y/N!" Fred says. "What?" "Come here!" Fred says waving his hand for you to come. "Cedric I'll be back, don't worry". You say as you walk off. Fred pushes you on the wall and kisses you. You push him off of you. "Fred! Why would you do that! You know I'm dating Diggory". You say angrily. Cedric hears you and come running to you. "What did he do!" Cedric asks. "He kissed me! He just pushed me on the wall and KISSED me!" You as you grab ahold of Cedric. "Is it true Weasley?" Cedric says. "Y- yes I did." Fred says. Cedric starts getting mad. He tries to go after Fred. You go in front of Cedric trying to block him off, "Cedric calm down, it's ok! Cedric calm down!" You say pushing Cedric back. "But he kissed you! You think Fred would let me live if you two were dating and I did that?" Cedric says getting angry. "No! But I don't anymore drama about this!". "Cedric she's mine just wait!" Fred says. "SHUT UP! I'm tired of you two fighting!" You say walking out of Hogsmeade with Cedric. You and Cedric get back at Hogwarts. "I'm going to find George and tell him what Fred did, ok?"  You say. Cedric nods his head and walks to the common room. "George! Come here i need to tell you something." You say. "What is it". George says walking to you. "Your twin Fred kissed me! When I'm dating  Cedric." You say as George walks up to you. "He did? Wicked!". "George it's not wicked! Just forget it". You walk away from George and back to Cedric. "What did he say?" Cedric asks as he stands up to talk to you. "He said wicked." You say as Cedric kisses you. "Your kidding!?" Cedric asks. "No I'm not". You say as Cedric looks at you. Cedric walks off to go somewhere. "Where do you think your going?" You say trying to follow him. "To find Fred." Cedric says as he gets angry. "Ok, just don't fight with him please!" Cedric walks off you follow him and you stay quiet. You over hear him and Fred talking. "Listen Weasley! I don't know what your up to, but Y/N is mine and you stay away from her!" Cedric says. "Oh, getting mad are ya? Well you know I can't stay away from Y/N I'm in love with her". Fred says. "You stay away from her! She's mine Weasley". Cedric says as he punches Fred. You see Cedric walking out with a mad look on his face. "Hey! What happened babe?" You say worried. "I punched him." Cedric says picking you up and putting you on his shoulder. "That's- why did you punch him? But i know your mad but you didn't have to punch him." You say. "Well, he really made me mad. I know i need to stay out of drama, but you need to stay out of drama too. So I'm keeping you away from drama". Cedric says letting you down to walk into the common room. "That's sweet Cedric! I know you'll keep me out of drama". You sit down as Cedric walks to the the boys bedroom to but his books up. He comes back out and sits next to you. You lay your head on his lap. "Your beautiful." Cedric says as he plays with your hair. "And your handsome". You say smiling. You fall asleep . "Man, you fall asleep on my lap all the time". Cedric says laughing. Cedric puts you in your bed and walks out of the girls bedroom before he gets caught. "Ooooh, Cedric you got a girlfriend." One of Cedric friend says. "Oh shut up! She can be girlfriend whenever, ok leave me alone!" Cedric says as she shoves his friend. "Come on man we are just playing with ya". Cedric friend says laughing. "Mhm sure". Cedric says. You get up and walk to Cedric. "Did you take me to bed?" You say yawning . "Yeah and why are you awake? It's still nighttime". Cedric says putting you in his shoulder. "Well, I heard your friends laughing LOUDLY so it woke me". You say yawning. Cedric puts you down and you go back to bed. The next morning. "Ugh, time for breakfast I don't wanna get up". You say to your self changing your robe. You walk out and you don't see Cedric. Then you see Fred and Cedric getting mad at each other again, you walk up to them and say, "Alright! That's enough! CUT IT OUT AND SHUT UP!" You say yelling. Your hear the ghosts in the picture mumble. "I'm sick and tired of you two fighting all the time because Fred kissed me! Just- just stop, please the more you two fight the worse it will get, so just stop and forget it". Your walking away with Cedric the great hall. "I'm sorry.. I just over react when people do stuff like that". Cedric says as he puts food on his plate. "It's ok, I over reacted too". You say filling your plate up. You sit down and start eating. You finish eating breakfast and wait for Cedric. Cedric finally gets done with breakfast and you take off to potions. "So, are you still mad at Fred about what happened at Hogsmeade?" You ask looking you at Cedric. "Yeah, but I'm not that mad." Cedric replies. "That's good!" You say walking into potions. Time went by and it was finally the end of the day.

This one might have not made since but, I tried my best

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