The Trizward tournament

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Chapter 6*
You hadn't seen Cedric for a longtime when he to the dragon to get the golden egg. He finally comes back with the golden egg. After that finished it was time for the second task. He jumps into the lake. He comes up with a girl, Cho the one who had a crush on him and I'm pretty sure she still does. Cho sees you and rolls her eyes. Cedric gets back up to the boat. You see him getting dried off and you smile. Cedric sees you and yells, "I love you y/n!". "I love you too Cedric!" You yelling back.

After everyone came back up from the lake and got dried off, it was time for the last and final task, the maze. You get worried because you heard the maze is dangerous. Luna can tell your worried, "y/n, don't be worried I'm sure Cedric will be fine." Luna says in her soft sweet voice. "I know, I just- I had these nightmares he died and that worries me". You say. The maze opens and Cedric goes in. You look at your father beside you because he wanted to watch Cedric in the tournament with you. You lay your head on your father, "dad, I'm worried." You say. "Oh dear, he'll be fine I'm sure". He says as he rubs your back. "Uncle Eli, what's wrong with y/n?" Draco says he also came with you and your father to watch Cedric. "She's worried about Cedric that he might die or get hurt." Your father replies. "Oh, switch me spots to I can talk to her". Draco says as he sits down beside you. "Y/n, everything will be fine." Draco says lifting your head up. "I know, but- what if he gets hurt.". You say looking at Draco with your worried eyes. "Y/n.. he'll be fine, dream about having a good life with him after or if that's how your life works out." Draco says. You remember Cedric saying that he's not gonna leave anytime soon, so you kinda calm down.

It's been a little while and Cedric is still not out of the maze. You see a blue light coming from the grass. It was Cedric and Harry. Everyone is clapping. "He's back, he's back! Voldemort is back! Cedric asked me to bring his body back."Harry says holding on to Cedric . You realize that's Cedrics not up. Then you figure out he died. "NO!Let me out!" You say crying. They let you out and run over to Cedric. "Please! Please! Don't be gone! I love you! You said you would be with me for a longtime!" You say crying even more. "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! I LOVE YOU!" You say crying as you start to scream. Your father tries to pull you away. "Dad! I don't wanna leave him! Please!" You say struggling to get out of his arms. "Y/n.. he's gone. Your have to get to that point." Your father says. You break out of his arms and run back to Cedric. "I love you. I don't want you to leave me!" You say as you cry into Cedrics chest. You run over to Harry. "Harry! Why does he have to go so soon?" You say as Harry hugs you. "I don't know y/n.. I know how you feel about him. We are gonna miss him. But, just remember anything he said about him not leaving." Harry says wiping you tears. You go back to Cedric before your last goodbye. "Goodbye love. I'll miss you." You say as your father takes you away from him, so they can take his body.

After you and your father get into Hogwarts you drop to the floor crying. Your brushing your hair with your fingers, as you start to cry even more. Draco sees you, he sits down beside you. "Shhh, y/n it's gonna be ok. You'll see him again." Draco says wiping away your tears. "No, no I won't Draco. You- you don't understand. I loved him!" You say as you lean your head on Draco. "Y/n.. very thing will be fine-" Draco says as he gets cut off by Amos. "Y/n, let's go see Cedric before they put his body away in a casket." Amos says. You and Cedrics dad go see Cedric. All you could do was cry. "Cedric, I love. You told me you were gonna be with for a longtime! Now you have to go! Please I don't wanna leave you!" You say crying.

As your standing by Cedrics body his spirit comes by. "Y/n... I love you! Just promise to have a good life, even though I'm gonna be gone." Cedrics spirit says. "But- how am I supposed to have a good life without you!?" You say. "Just come see my grave everyday ok? I love you with all my heart." Cedrics spirit says as it drifts away. They take his body and put it in a casket for his funeral tomorrow.

You head back to the house where you and Cedric lived. It was gonna be hard without him. "Y/n, Your father called." Amos says. "Ok, what did he say?" You say. "He said that he wants you to stay the Malfoy manor with him, Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius." He says. You get your stuff packed up and get ready to leave. Your grabs Cedrics jacket that you got him for Christmas and put it on. You get to the Malfoy manor. "Aunt Narcissa!" You say hugging her. "Y/N! How nice to see you!" She says hugging you. "Lucius.." you say. "Y/n.." he says. You and Lucius didn't have a very good niece and uncle relationship. Draco shows you to your room. You put up your clothes. You hang Cedrics jacket on the door. You get ready for bed and go to sleep.

You wake the next morning. You head downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning.." you say rubbing your eyes. "Good morning. Still sad about Cedric?" Draco says. "I still am!" You say sitting down to eat. "Y/n. I'm sorry to hear about your husband.." Narcissa says handing you your plate. "It's ok.." you say as your start crying. You run back up stairs from crying and Narcissa runs after you. "Y/n I know it's hard on you without Cedric, but there's points that you have to move on in life." She says hugging you. "But how am I supposed to move on! Everything will be different with out him! It's not fair!" You say. "I know it's not fair. Now let's go back down and finish breakfast." She says. You and Narcissa head back downstairs. You sit down and eat your breakfast. "You better." Your dad says rubbing your back. "Kinda." You say. "Ok. Well when your finished go get ready for Cedrics funeral." He says. You get done and head upstairs to get ready. You brush your teeth and do your hair. Your curled your hair how Cedric liked it. Then you put on your makeup and the dress Cedric liked.

Everyone is ready. They all look handsome and beautiful. "Ready?" Narcissa asks. "Yep." Everyone says. Everyone heads back to Hogwarts where Cedrics funeral is hosted. Everyone is waiting outside of the great hall doors to see Cedric. They open the doors so only the family members could go in including you your father, Draco, Narcissa, and Lucius and Amos. You go over to Cedrics casket. You look down at him and start to cry. The doors open again for guests. Luna runs over to you. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry." She says as she hugs you. "It's ok." You say hugging her and crying into her shoulder. Everyone sits down so you can say something. "Cedric diggory. The love of my life. He was brave, loyal, smart. We got wild a couple of times. But we still had a good life. We went to parties after we left Hogwarts. We got drunk once. But he is still a good man." You say sitting down. It was time for his dad to say something. "Cedric was a great kid. I'm happy that Cedric found his love, y/n. We all miss him already. " Amos says as he sits down. Everyone talked and it was Draco's turn to talk since he was the last one to talk. "Cedric was a great man. We got in arguments sometimes but we made it up to each other." He says. You hud Draco as he sits down. Someone comes in after Draco sits down, it was Fred. "I'm sorry I'm late but I'd like to say something. Y/n I'm sorry for kissing you, Cedric was a great man. I'm glad he found you." Fred says.

You waited for them to bury Cedric to go see his grave. They finish burying him so you go see him. "Cedric I love, why'd you have to go?" You say looking down. "I love you y/n, I guess our life was planned this way." His spirit says.

As I was writing the end where y/n went to his grave I was listening to Robert Pattinson let me sign song and i start crying writing it and I was crying when I wrote Cedric died.

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