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At Kings Cross Station the Malfoy's were standing with the Notts, the Zabini's, and the Reme's

Lyra and Scorpius knew that their parents couldn't be there with them, although they didn't like the plan they knew it was necessary to keep themselves safe, if anyone knew that their parents were Draco and Hermione Malfoy, they would never be left alone. Scorpius saw the Potters and nudged his sister, they knew that they had to leave

"Uncle Blaise, Uncle Theo, we have to get on the train" Lyra whispered

Blaise saw the Potters as soon as Lyra said that

"Lyra, the train isn't boarding yet" Astoria said

"We can't let them see us," Scorpius said

"Nott!" Harry Potter called out and began making his way towards them

"Hide behind us" Pansy said and ushered the twins behind them

"Hey Potter, did you receive the papers I sent?" Theo said

"Yeah I did, how come you're all here?" Harry asked

"We are seeing Leon off, you know sixth year, so exciting" Astoria said

"Who are you hiding Astoria?" Ginny asked

Lyra and Scorpius shot one another a look, this was not good

"Oh Um, what do you mean Ginny?" Pansy said

"Those are the Malfoy's I was telling you dad" James said

"Malfoy's? As in Draco Malfoy? Who in their right mind married the ferret? Probably some slut" Ron chuckled

"Hey! Do not call our mom that!" Scorpius yelled

Lyra began reaching for her twin brother

"Or What? Mini ferret, did your father also force you to be a death eater?" Ron asked

"Stop it, Weasley" Blaise said

"Or what Zabini? If memory serves correctly, you fled for the war, you're nothing but a coward" Ron walked up to him

"Harry? Doesn't Lyra look like Hermione?" Ginny asked her husband

Scorpius hid his sister behind him, trying to shield her, he knew his sister hated being the Center of attention, especially when it came to her looks, he felt her shaking as she grabbed his hand

"Couldn't be, my Hermione would never be with someone as low as the ferret, she probably looks like her slut of a mum" Ron spat

"She is not "your Hermione", she's not your property" Pansy said as she held Lyra

"Come Lyra, let's get on the train" Scorpius ushered his sister

"Yeah, run like the coward, I guess that's the thing with all Slytherins" Ron chuckled

"Albus is a Slytherin, don't you dare talk about them like that" Ginny told her brother

Scorpius helped his sister into the train and into a empty carriage, Leon joined them soon after the incident

"Ly, are you okay?" Scorp asked his sister

All Lyra could do was nod, she hated the way that Ron was talking about her mum, if she hadn't frozen she would have probably punched him

"It looks like she needs some chocolate, here" another voice said

"Get out James, you've done enough" Scorpius said

James ignored Scorpius and handed Lyra a chocolate bar, she took it and slowly began to eat it

"I'm sorry about my uncle, my sorry of an excuse uncle, I'm guessing whoever married your dad really loves him right?" James asked Lyra as he took a seat beside her

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