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All Lyra felt was pain, she was lying on the floor holding her side, not being able to breath

She saw a boy with raven colour hair leaning over her

"Lyra!" He yelled

"J-James" Lyra cried

She saw her twin brother land beside her

"I can't carry her on my broom, you'll have to carry her and ride with me" Scorpius said

She saw James nod his head and went to pick her up, causing her to cry out

"Sh- Malfoy, she's bleeding" James said as he pulled his hand away, covered in a red substance

"Don't tell me your scared of a little blood"

"Come on" James said through gritted teeth and picked Lyra up

She clung onto his shirt as he moved to board Scorpius's lighting bolt 3000, Blaise created this broom to be able the carry three people and still be able to fly easily

He was whispering in her ear to relax and that she'll feel better soon

They arrived to the infirmity and Madame Pomfrey came to and placed Lyra on a bed, James went to go stand with Scorpius who was visibly shaking

"Thanks man, I don't know what I would have done" Scorpius said as he looked at his sister

"Don't worry about it"

They stayed silent

"Dude if my sister is just another girl you're trying to seduce then I suggest you -"

"I like her" James cut Scorpius off

"What? You? James Sirius Potter? Hogwarts hottest guy? school heartbreaker?" Scorpius scoffed

"I've liked her since third year, I saw her on the train, reading hogwarts: a new history she was alone in the cart, I'm guessing you were somewhere else, she looked so beautiful, she was already wearing her school uniform and her hair was in a bun, some strands framed her face, she looked so engrossed in the book she never looked up and saw me, I swear I felt like a creep but I couldn't look away from her. Later in Charms, I swear she didn't let anyone else answer the questions, that's when I knew I had to get to know her, not only was she a quidditch player, she was brilliant, and she wasn't afraid to show it off" James said, a smile played on his lips at the memory

"As the muggles say, you're a simp" Scorpius said

"I would wear that title on my forehead, if you allow me to get to know her?" James said, nervously looking at his feet

Normally James was decent with girls, he had no idea where the titles that Scorpius had said earlier came from, he had never been with a girl, in that way, he felt as if that was meant to be given to someone special, and he hadn't met that special girl until third year, he knew how close Lyra was with her family, he also knew that Lyra deserved to be courted, even if they were in a new era he felt like he had to prove himself worthy to her.

"Dude, she's my little sister by two minutes, your asking the wrong person, I'm very protective of her, even if she doesn't show it, she's vulnerable sometimes, especially when it comes to her heart, if you want to her to know her, fine, go ahead, but if I find her crying because you hurt her in any way, I will not hesitate to hurt you so bad you won't even remember your name" Scorpius said, looking into James eyes

"I don't doubt it one bit, and I also know she will hurt me ten times worse then you if I hurt her, but on my honour, I swear to protect her"

"Now comes the hard part, letting her, she's independent, she won't let you in just like that, you have to prove yourself to her, my word is nothing compared to hers, she's the one who decides if your worth her time or not" Scorpius said

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