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Two weeks and Hermione wanted to escape, she and Draco did not leave the house and saw reporters camped out in from of their gates, Hermione finished the dresses for the reunion ball and fixed two extra dresses, one for Lyra and one for Oliva, Scorpius's new girlfriend, Hermione grew to love the girl, she was kind and sweet but had the same temperament as Lyra, as the stories go she has gotten into three fights over the last few years, she is a chaser for the Slytherin team and is third in her classes, behind Lyra and Scorpius

Hermione was looking out the window when the floo activated, in came Lyra, followed by Scorpius and Oliva, since the break begun Scorpius begged for Oliva to spend the time at Malfoy Manor, Hermione gave in with the promise that Oliva would be staying in Lyra's room and will not be able to enter his room

They were talking about quidditch and Lyra was rolling her eyes

"I swear! If I knew setting up my best friend and my brother was going to be this infuriating, I wouldn't have!" She yelled

"Lyra, you're ten times worse with James" Oliva smirked, Scorpius threw and arm around her shoulder

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Yeah you are" Scorpius said

Lyra scoffed and walked to her mum who was looking at them with a smirk

"Well, it seems she fits into the family perfectly"

"Hi Mrs. Malfoy" Oliva said

"I have told you Oliva, call me Hermione"

Oliva smiled and nodded, Lyra used this opportunity to drag Oliva from Scorpius, who pouted when she left

"She seems nice"

Scorpius blushed and hugged his mum

"Is Dad here?" He asked


Scorpius walked away and Hermione headed towards the kitchen, when she walked in she saw Oliva with an elf, one that did not live with them

"Hagre, I told you, I will be fine, I have everything I need"

"But misses, Hagre does not want to leave you alone"

Oliva sighed

"I will ask if you can stay here alright? If not please go spend the week with Mateo, he misses you" Oliva said as she knelt down and hugged the elf

When she stood up she saw Hermione at the door

"Mrs. Malfoy! Uh, this is Hagre, he's my elf, not my elf, he's a free elf but works for me, not me but my brother who tells Hagre to take care of me" Oliva ranted

"Oliva, breath" Hermione laughed

"Hehe, I am imposing enough but I was wondering if it were possible for Hagre to stay? He doesn't like staying at the Perez manor if I'm not there" Olivia asked "he loves to clean, and he'll get along with the other elves, and it will only be while in here" she added

"He can stay, the more the merrier" Hermione assured, Oliva gave a smile and told the elf to go tell Mateo

"Who is Mateo?" Hermione asked and sat down, taffy bought two hot chocolates

"He's my older brother, he's more of a parent then my actual parents" Oliva said, "my parents are still holding onto their prejudices, my brother left when he turned seventeen and hasn't been home since, I'm planning on moving with him after I turn seventeen, my mother, she wants to ship me off to a finishing school, I don't, I want to work at the ministry, as an Auror" Oliva explained

"You don't need to tell me" Hermione assured

Oliva shook her head and continued to explain

"I sometimes miss not having a mum, I see the relationship you have with Lyra and I envy it, the only reason why I'm not like my mother is because I got my brothers stubbornness, and Lyra is like a sister I never had" Oliva said

"This is your family now, do you understand?" Hermione said, talking her hand

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Be strong and brave all the time, Lyra tells me stories and I could never see myself doing that, the Perez family are runners, my parents were on the wrong side, they didn't fight, but they still let him into our house" Oliva said

Hermione looked at the girl, she saw a battle behind her eyes, she stood up and wrapped her arms around her, she felt Oliva tense up and then relax

"You stay here as long as you want, you and Hagre, this can be your home" Hermione said

"I couldn't impose, I will be alright" Oliva tried to assure

"We have 36 rooms here, more than enough space, please, just until you finish Hogwarts, you can move with your brother after, but this can be your family" Hermione said

She heard Oliva sniff and didn't make any movement to acknowledge it, she knew Oliva had to process this in her own way, before she lost herself

"Okay" she whispered

Hermione let go of Oliva and saw her quickly wipe her eyes, she gave a small smile and took a sip of her chocolate, in that moment Hagre reappeared

"Master Mateo says thank you, he says he is in your debt" Hagre said

"It's our honour" Draco said from the door, Scorpius standing beside him

"Come on Oli, let's go out on our brooms, I still have to kick your butt" Scorpius smirked and extended his hand

"You wish, just don't go crying to daddy when I win" Oliva said and took his hand

Draco walked up to his wife and kissed her, he pulled away and placed his forehead on hers

"Who does she remind you of?"

"You, she had a battle behind her eyes, I remember seeing that exact battle when you were her age" Hermione whispered

"I don't deserve you, you have such a big heart"

"You would have done the same"

Draco kissed her again and took her hand

He looked and her and thanked Salazar for giving him a chance at happiness, a chance for true love, a chance to love someone unconditionally.

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