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Hermione woke up in the arms of her husband, she was admiring the man who stole her heart and gave her his, she memorized every line and freckle he had, as if it was the last time she'll see him

While she admired him she felt a wave of nausea hit her and she bolted to the bathroom, discarding all her dinner

She felt someone begin to rub her back and hold her hair away from her face, she looked up and saw her husbands grey eyes looking at her with love and smiled at him

"I hate morning sickness" she mumbled

Draco grabbed some water and summoned a potion, he handed her the things and pulled Hermione to his chest

"What are your plans for today?" He asked

"Nothing, I have Taffy working on the first draft dresses and Nicky is working in the office today, why?"

"I'm taking you on a date"


"It's a surprise"

"Mr. Malfoy..."

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy?"

Hermione looked at her husband who was smirking at her

"Let me get ready" she said as she got up

"Wear a pair of comfortable clothing" Draco instructed

Hermione made her way into the walk in closet and grabbed a pair of black leggings, a emerald green sweater that belonged to Draco and a pair of white vans, she put on her hair into a messing bun and some mascara

When she left the closet Draco was standing in the room with a pair of black sweatpants and the Gryffindor red hoodie Hermione bought him as joke for Christmas, he was also wearing white vans, he had two suitcases by his side, he was playing around with his patronus, a swan,

"Looks like we were sorted into the wrong houses" Hermione joked

"I always knew you would look good in green" Draco smirked

"I always knew you would look good in red" Hermione smirked back

Draco took the suitcases and looked at her

"How long is this date?" Hermione asked

"Three days" Draco shrugged

"Three days? Draco, we have lives and responsibilities!" Hermione exclaimed

"We are CEO's of our companies, we are our own bosses, our kids are in school" Draco said

Hermione had a mental debate, he did point out some good arguments but at the same time she didn't want to leave, what if something happened to Lyra and Scorpius,

"Lyra and Scorpius will be fine, if something happens Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Astoria or Luna will contact us" Draco said, as if he had read her mind

"You read my mind?" Hermione said and crossed her arms

"You said all of that out loud, you tend to do that when you overthink" her husband said

Hermione puffed out air crossed her arms

"Shall we?" Draco asked

Hermione nodded and grabbed one of the bags and took Draco's hand, he led them out and a car was waiting for them

"Airport" Draco said, then he let out a groan when Hermione elbowed him in the ribs "Please" he added

We arrived and Draco helped Hermione out of the car, they casted a illusion spell to hide their identities and crossed the door from the wizard world into the muggle world, once passed they removed found a secluded spot and removed their spells

They walked up to the till and Draco bought two first class tickets, to where? Hermione had no idea

They went into the first class lounge and took a seat, they talked about anything and everything until it was time to board the airplane

They took their spots and they were off.

A very merry Hogwarts ReunionWhere stories live. Discover now