21 Epilogue

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May 5th 2016

Hermione was at her desk, her due date was at any day and Draco had begging her to stay home

Did Hermione listen? No

Taffy was watching over her, if Hermione didn't listen then Draco asked the elf to keep and eye on her, he's paying her with chocolate

Hermione took a deep breath and felt a shooting pain in her lower abdomen, she dismissed it thinking it was false labour, a few minutes later her water broke

"Taffy!" The witch yelled, the elf came running and saw the water on the floor

"Taffy needs to take Misses to the hospital" the elf said, taking Hermiones hand and guiding her to the floo

They arrived to St. Mungo's and Luna greeted them

"Luna send Draco a patronus!" Hermione begged, the first contraction hit her hard, healers helped Hermione into a room and began preparing for the baby

Draco appeared a few seconds later to hear his wife yelling, he sent a patronus to Lyra and Scorpius and ran into the room

"I hate you Malfoy! I already gave you two other children!" Hermione yelled and screamed when another contraction hit

He stood by his wife.

In the waiting room the Nott's, Zabini's, Reme's, Potter's and Ron were waiting, the floo activated and out walked Lyra, followed by Scorpius and Oliva, who were all wearing their quidditch gears

"What are you doing here Oliva? Shouldn't you be at school?" Astoria asked

"Scorpius dragged me here, he said that since technically the Malfoy's were taking care of me for the time being I should be here also" Oliva explained

"What's with the quidditch gear?" Harry asked

"We had just finished practice when dads patronus came to us" Lyra explained, hugging her aunts

Luna saw Oliva wince and asked her to come with her

A few moments later Luna emerged with Oliva in a wheelchair

"You said it didn't hit you!" Scorpius exclaimed running to his girlfriend's side

"Technically I says it didn't hit me that hard" Oliva corrected

"How long?" Lyra asked, she shot Oliva a glare who rolled her eyes

"Just for a few hours, the bludger didn't hit her that hard but it still bruised her ribs and shoulder"

"See I'm fine" Oliva said

"Shut it" Lyra glared

"Geez mum" Oliva mumbled

The hours passed and there was still no update on Hermione and the baby, Oliva was discharged after six hours but not before she got a lecture from her brother who came by the hospital

26 hours later and Draco came running out

"TWINS!" He yelled, he hugged his best friends and shook hands with everyone else, he told Lyra and Scorpius to go meet their younger siblings

In the room Hermione was holding her newborn babies a boy and a girl

The girl was named Nymphadora Andromeda Malfoy and the boy Leo lupus Hyperion Malfoy

Hermione was tired but gave a smile when she saw her kids

Lyra took the boy and Scorpius took the girl

Draco went to stand beside his wife and smiled at the picture

He got his second chance.

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