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"How dare Ronald Weasley call my daughter a slut?!?" Hermione yelled as she threw something from her desk


"Don't you dare Draco Lucius Malfoy, unless you want another slap I suggest you stay silent"

Draco sat down as his wife fumed

"How dare HE have the nerve to call her a slut? to call ME a slut? Just...UGH!" She yelled "as if he's a saint, at least I'm there for my children Ronald! Just because I wasn't the pathetic little school girl who waited for you to come back, you don't get to call me a slut!" She continued

She collapsed on her chair and put her head in her hands, Draco waited for a few minutes before he made his way to his wife

He took her in his arms and just held her, she began to cry and held onto him

"How dare he? I'm happy, why can't he be happy for me?" She cried

Draco held his wife as she cried, whispering sweet words into her ear, to be honest, he was furious, how dare Ronald call his daughter, his princess, a slut, how dare Ronald develop the nerve of calling his wife, his light, a slut, if it weren't for his wife in his arms right now, Draco would be making a one way ticket to the burrow

"How can I be so selfish? He disrespected your daughter!" Hermione cried, as she looked at her husband

That's what Draco loved about her, she was never selfish, if something hurt her she worried about the other person, she would take the issues of the other person before attending her own

"Love, I am alright, I'm angry, but you have every right to be angry right now, he was your best friend and he offended you and your daughter, don't worry about me, we'll worry about me later" Draco assured his wife

Before she could say anything else the doors bursted open

"Who do I need to kill?" Lucius stormed in, his wife trying to call him down

"Father? Mother?" Draco asked his parents

"Draco, I have told you time and time again, call me 'Dad' we are trying to re-build our relationship" Lucius said and walked to Hermione

"Hermione, who offended my beautiful granddaughter? I will have a talk with them" Lucius said as he held his daughter in law

"You will do no such thing Lucius, I have told you time and time again, do not listen to my conversations" Narcissa said as she hugged her son

"I heard Lyra's name, after that I was not in control of myself" Lucius said

"How did you know?" Draco asked his parents

"Luna told her mother in law who told Cissa, who told me" Lucius said

"I did not tell you, you overheard" Narcissa said as she hugged Hermione

After Draco and Hermione went to Australia to find Hermiones parents, Lucius and Narcissa, they were pardoned from their crimes when they switched sides during the war due to Draco, granted they did do two years in Azkaban but the moment that Draco told them that he was in love with Hermione Granger they took time to explore her world, when they came back Narcissa threatened Draco that if he didn't marry Hermione she was going to chose her new daughter, Narcissa and Lucius had the wedding all prepared before Draco even proposed

"For you my dear" Lucius said as he pulled out a box

"Mr. Malfoy-"


"Lucius...I have told you, you do not need to keep giving me gifts anymore, I have forgiven you," Hermione said

"Nonsense" Lucius waved his hand

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