Broken Grace chapter twenty-one

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-Stable verse Life's House-

"The others are telling their brothers what is going on, we decided it would be best if only a few came here and eventually reported back to the rest. "Echo explained to Life, Geno and Murder. "And they voted on us because..."

"Because Blue is looking pretty feral right now, and we fear he is going to snap if he sees another bone fall off-" Maple started to explain, going down the list. A plastic bag on his arm twisted around as he moved.

"Which one did, his little finger." Blueberry cut in, smile looking bitter and frail. "Blue was not happy to hear that and nearly threw a chair into the TV in the living room. Honey had to bodily  tackle him down, and even then it took Hop and Skull to hold him down and calm him down and by calm down, I mean he's been tied down to a chair."

"And then we didn't want Hearts to come-" Maple went on as if he was never interrupted.

"The guy threw up enough already. We already know that the health report is not going to be pretty, we didn't want to put him through that. " Echo tacked on, thinking of how Hearts couldn't keep anything down even after Error and Nightmare left. Poor guy seemed to be scarred for life, but then again Echo thinks they all have been.

"Yeah, and then Misery wasn't getting up anytime soon-"  Maple started counting down on his fingers, making Life sweat drop and Geno facepalm.  Murder was just enjoying that it wasn't so crowded, made him less twitchy.

"My dear brother couldn't really get over what Error and Nightmare told us. " Daze sadly shook his head, looking a bit faint himself. "He is still just sitting down on the couch, looking blankly at the wall. Red actually poked him once. Misery fell like a pile of bones, just in shock."

"Hop wanted to come, but thought better of it." Maples said, hiding a grin.

"He thought it would be best to stay with all the more.... excitable skeletons there now as they are being told everything." Daze smiled blankly, just thinking of - Blossom UT!Papyrus - breaking down, even Razz, Fell and Blood destroying the house in anger. Echo snorted, knowing what the other was thinking, and agreeing with him. "Yeah, he wanted there to still be a house when we got back."

"Orbitz wanted to stay for the time kids." The tall skeleton went on, thinking about how crazy the house is going to be when they get back.

"He wanted to stay to help with explaining to their little brothers what is going on in ways they understand." Blueberry clarified for the rest.

"Skull didn't want to come-"

"He openly admitted that he would probably kill someone or something if he heard the news straight up," Echo told the other three.  "He wanted to stay to calm himself and get ready for the news ."

"Honey needed to stay-"

"My brother told me he needed to be extra security!" Blueberry brightly said, pride in his voice. "In case they got too rowdy or if Blue got too excited again!"

"Red didn't feel up to it-"

"His anxiety would have acted up," Daze sadly frowned.  "We don't want him and Error to have a panic attack at the same time if something happens to make them both have one."

"And we all voted against Hannibal coming along-"

"We didn't want him and Murder tag teaming anyone." Echo didn't hesitate to admit, pointing at Murder. Murder just shrugged with a smirk, knowing that he was right. "If we  both got mad at the same time, then someone is going to get dusted at the least."

"Ink wasn't even in the running to come-"

"He was still a bit panicked when we left."  Daze smiled sadly, glancing off to the side. "His brother was helping him calm down."  Daze could still hear Ink's whispers, asking why would someone do this to another and that he is not ready - not prepared to help. That he has to get ready and learn so that he can be better help. Ink took it the hardest that he was of no help when Error was falling apart, he was always their unofficial leader and took the blame too much when something went wrong. "I'm sure he'll be better when one of us has to go back."

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