Broken Grace chapter thirteen

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-Unstable verse Council Hall-

Classic slowly turns from watching Cobalt and Lady Life exit and looks at the chaos left in their wake. "Well that was terrifying. So how much do we believe?"

"Well all of it if you are smart, of course you could have Seraphim confirm what we told you he can read the deep codes he just doesn't have editing privileges outside his AU." Core Frisk swings her legs and hums watching Edge argue with Raven.

Farmer wasn't talking to anyone so much as muttering to himself while other Sanses from AU with less than fifty copies gathered to listen. "Never had a problem with him. Dropped off that nice Papyrus from Horrortale to help with the harvest in exchange for taking home the extra."

The slam of a bone on the table shut most of them up and made G!Sans the center of attention. "Listen up I don't want to believe it, none of us do." He scanned the room with flickering golden eye lights. "I really don't want to believe it, but it is a serious accusation and we have to investigate. In the meantime I suggest Inky go on supervised vacation, nothing unpleasant just a bit of company."

After a few exchanged looks and a bit of muttering the vote was unanimous Inky was going on vacation whether he liked it or not.

Having direction seemed to calm everyone down some so Classic brought up Seraphim which led to an explanation of who Seraphim was. After that others who might be able to read the code if someone opened a window for them came up.

Sci hesitated before speaking. "I can read code a little but not as well as some of my AU copies that specialize in programming."

-Multi-Void Stable verse-

It was well into the night before all the other Skeletons went into their rooms to try and get some sleep, but they all knew that it wasn't going to happen. They all eventually decided to talk to Error in the morning, telling him what they found out and to then come up with some sort of plan of action to go on.

Although Skull and Blue did whisper to each other a lot, eye lights looking grim and determined. Ink decided to just ignore them, even when Hannibal and Misery joined in. He had a feeling if he heard them, he wouldn't be able to stop them. Oh, no. He would join them in whatever insane plan that they are cooking up if he heard them, he just knows it.

After making sure all the kids were in bed, everyone had left for their rooms. Unsaid was the fact that there were going to be a lot of calls - making portals - home, telling their brothers what was going on and what they found out, or at least the version that would make them worry less.

It didn't work of course. In fact, it just made them worry all the more, as they heard what they weren't saying.

-With Error-

It was later at night, more like early morning when Error heard a little noise coming from the next to him.

Error had not left his position sense Nightmare fell asleep, staring blankly out the window for hours. His mind wandered to what to do once everything went to shit. Just when he thought he had an okay idea - One where he would hide out underwater. Hey, if he can survive days in it without dying, then he figured he should be fine. Like sixty percent sure that he would be fine. - A little noise caught his attention. Turning on his side, all he had time for was a blink before the pastel orange glowed in the room.

Nightmare woke when Error got up, Error quickly and silently went to Void's side. Void was now whimpering, tears falling, and magical vomit on his pillow. 'Huh....' Error just looked confused when Void reached up to him, making grabbing motions. 'Is he hurt!?' It finally entered his mind that Void just vomited all over himself.

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