Chapter One

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"Silence!" Came the voice of none other than our Headmaster, Professor Dumblerdor. It was a new year at Hogwarts and everyone was currently assembled in the dining hall. This year was to be a different year for all the students. The headmasters and headmistresses had come up with a new grading system that would determine our place in the world as wizards. Pure Bloods and Muggles. A series of tournaments had been created to put us to the test that would revolve around our strengths, weaknesses and how well we worked under pressure. Everyone was to participate.

They had just finished sorting all the first years into their chosen houses for the remainder of the years here, each house having a new amount of students that were excited and nervous at the same time. Silence fell upon the hall as everyone stopped talking, all eyes on Dumbledor.

"As you all know, this year will be unlike anything we have ever done at Hogwarts before. The tournaments that have been created for this year will not only determine where you stand as a wizard, but determine how well you work as a team with your house. Each week, your house will randomly undergo a surprise test of our choice. Every member in your house is to participate. You will be graded and awarded points. Whoever has the highest grade, will be offered one clue that will help aid them in one of the upcoming tournaments for this year." Dumbledor spoke, watching everyone's reaction.

Everyone was in shock, whispers erupting throughout the dining hall all while trying to process what was just spoken. Surely this was a joke? A test every week? And everyone was to participate? Had they lost their minds?

"I see the confusion on your faces but after careful thought and planning, we decided it was necessary. Not everyone is cut out to be a wizard and do not survive in the real world. Pure Blood and Muggle alike. We know it may not seem fair, especially since first years must participate as well but we are doing this with good intentions. We want to see everyone succeed this year and surprise not only us, but yourselves." Professor McGonagall chimed in, hoping to ease the students with her calm and encouraging words.

"With that being said, you will have today and tomorrow to do as you please but after that, be prepared. I wish you all the best of luck. You are all dismissed. If any of you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to one of us." She said before walking off.

Everyone just sort of sat there, absorbing everything that had just happened before jumping up from their seats and finding their friends and mingling as if none of that had just happened.

"Wow, can you believe that? They're actually going through with something like that? It actually scares me a little bit now. Who knows what is going to happen." Mina breathed out as she looked over at her friend Ami. The two of them had been sorted into Hufflepuff as first years and just really clicked. After that, they had almost every class together and were always together.

Mina was the polar opposite of Ami. Quiet, shy and always got good grades. She had trouble making friends and could barely speak to others without stuttering and getting embarrassed. Her long wavy hair made it easy for her to hide behind it, her glasses covering up most of her face to begin with so no one really paid attention to her. Which was fine. She didn't mind. What she was lacking in social skills she made up in excelling in her classes.

Ami was beautiful and strong. She was also clumsy and a bit of an airhead but she made friends everywhere she went. Standing at only five feet, Ami made sure she was heard and no one stepped all over her. She wasn't one to mess with especially when she was angry.

Mina and Ami had started chatting, going over their schedules together and finding out once again that they had the majority of their classes together. Gathering their things, they exited the hall and headed towards their common room.

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