Chapter Three

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"And what's this?"

Mina jumped from the sudden voice, a small scream leaving her mouth as she quickly turned around to where it came from. Her eyes widened in shock at the form before her as she felt her heart skip a beat.

Standing in front of her was none other than Min Yoongi. The one person in this entire place she thought she'd never run into. She felt like a fish out of water, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to figure out how to respond.

"Cat got your tongue?" He said with a low chuckle, his voice sending a chill down her spine at how somber and calm it was as she quickly snapped out of her daze. He looked so handsome in the moonlight.

Before she could respond, Binxie let out a loud noise before hitting the ground with his hoof as he appeared in front of her. In his eyes, Yoongi was a stranger and he didn't like that. He was ready to charge at the man.

Yoongi stumbled back at the sudden movement, his back hitting the tree as he stared up at the giant beast before him. Abraxan's were rare and hardly seen. Only those of higher standing possessing them. So to see one in person was exciting but the look the horse was giving him didn't look friendly.

"Binxie. Hey it's okay. He's not going to hurt either one of us. He's a friend. It's okay buddy." Mina said as she moved in front of him, blocking Yoongi from his view. She pet his snout before giving his forehead a soft kiss as he let out a low nicker.

When she knew he was calm, she turned to look at Yoongi, giving him a soft smile as she held out her hand to him. "It's okay now. You can come forward if you want. Binxie just isn't fond of strangers."

Yoongi was quickly brought out of his stupor, his eyes wide in amazement as he processed everything that just happened. It was very difficult to tame an Abraxan let alone to get it to trust you so to see Mina handle him so naturally was amazing.

He straightened himself up and slowly approached Mina as he cleared his throat. He wasn't expecting this when he followed Mina. Once dinner was over and everyone had gone off to their own rooms, Yoongi went looking for Jimin when he suddenly saw Mina looking suspicious, so he thought it would be fun to see what she was up to.

He really didn't expect to see her wander out into the forest in the middle of the night and to have a hidden Abraxan. He really thought he was hallucinating for a good minute but here he was, standing in front of the giant winged creature and getting ready to pet him.

"Binxie won't hurt you. He's a good horse. He just doesn't like or trust others. I'm the only one he trusts and will listen to." Mina said softly, grabbing Yoongi's hand and placing it on top of Binxie's head. Binxie snorted lowly, rubbing his head against Yoongi's hand before giving it a soft lick as he took a step back.

Yoongi really didn't know how to respond at this point. He was totally impressed with Mina right now. She had just blown his mind and it honestly took a lot to get him to this point. She was so shy and quiet. Hardly spoke. Yet here she was, petting and feeding a beast that was hard to tame and control.

After that, the two of them spent the rest of the night just talking and getting to know one another. Mina was very surprised when she found out that her and Yoongi had some things in common. He was also very passionate about music. She saw a whole other side of Yoongi that she didn't think was possible. It made her very happy though.

"And just like that, I walked straight into the wall. Got a bloody nose and everything too. Last time I'll ever let Taehyung practice magic around me." Yoongi said with a laugh, reliving one of his many embarrassing moments from the past as a small blush dusted his cheeks.

Mina was in a fit of laughter, holding her sides with one arm while covering her mouth with her other hand as she tried to stay calm. She had never laughed this hard in her life before and she couldn't contain it. Tears were pricking at her eyes as she tried to calm down.

Yoongi's blush only grew more red as he watched her laugh. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard and he didn't want it to stop. If Yoongi was guilty of anything, it was him always stopping to hear her laugh any chance he got. He always made sure he was alone when it happened. He secretly cherished these moments.

Yes indeed, the Min Yoongi was a big old softy on the inside but no one knew except for his brothers.

When the two realized how late it was, Yoongi happily walked Mina back to her dorm room. They made sure to be careful, sneaking past Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts. If he caught the two of them out this late, they'd be in serious trouble.

"Thank you for walking me back to my dorm. You really didn't have to do that but I greatly appreciate it." Mina whispered out softly, giving Yoongi a shy smile as she looked down at the ground. Yoongi just smirked at that before taking a step forward as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Even if you didn't want me to, I still would have. I am a gentleman after all. Now go and get some rest, yeah? I'll text you later and hopefully we can bump into each other more often." Yoongi said softly, giving her cheek a soft kiss before walking off into the night. Mina stood there speechless, her eyes wide and hand touching her cheek as she processed what had just happened.

"And that's what happened." Mina said, her cheeks burning in an embarrassment as she explained the whole story to Ami.


Jung Da Bin as Mina

Next Update: 12-15-20

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