Chapter Two

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Ami couldn't wait to come to Hogwarts this year. Not only to catch up with her friends but to check on all the magical Creatures she had taken care of all the years she'd been here. Whenever she wasn't with her best friend Mina, she was caring for the magical Creatures. Fifth years weren't allowed to care for the magical Creatures without a teacher or someone experienced in case they were to get hurt but that didn't stop Ami from sneaking around to take care of them. She grew so close to all the magical creatures they had. Her favorite was the hippogriff and the fairies. It took awhile for the fairies to trust her since they didn't trust humans easily but as she visited them often, they grew to trust her.

Now that they had a bit of free time, she made her way to the Magical Creature Reserve in the Forest to visit Buckbeak. This magical beast was half horse and half eagle. Hagrid taught her the proper way to approach a Hippogriff. On her way there, she stopped by to greet the fairies before making her way to the Reserve. When she finally made it, she bowed and waited for it to bow in return. Once it did, she smiled and walked right up to it before stroking its side. "Hey there Buckbeak. I've missed you so much....Wow you grew up so quick." She gently gave him a hug before grabbing a dead ferret from the bag she brought. Although Ami was a bit disgusted in carrying a dead ferret around, it was Buckbeak's favorite.

"Here you go sweetie." She said before tossing it in the air for him to catch in his mouth. Suddenly Ami heard leaves rustling and a twig snap from behind her. She looked around to find the source of noise but saw nothing. No one should be out here since it was getting dark and mostly everyone should be in bed by now. "So it's been you who always gets here before me and feeds the animals. You know fifth years aren't allowed back here alone." Said a voice. Ami gasped as she saw who came out of the shadows and into the light.

It was none other than Park Jimin.

"Don't worry though. I'm not going to say anything to anyone so your secret is safe with me. But there is one thing that I need your help with." Jimin said as he approached Ami, keeping a good distance between himself and Buckbeak so as to not spook him. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he looked at Ami and gave her a soft smile. "Can you help me with Buckbeak? He won't let me near him no matter what I try and I guess since you're the only one he really trusts, you might be able to help." He said, letting out a sheepish laugh.

It took Ami a minute to process everything that had just happened. The Park Jimin was standing in front of her and asking her for help with Buckbeak. Surely she was dreaming. When she pinched herself and muttered out a soft ouch, she knew this was real.

"Uh wait. What? You want my help? With Buckbeak?" Ami stood surprised for a moment, Jimin nodded his head with a little smile. Ami still couldn't believe it. The Park Jimin was standing only a few feet away from her and he wanted her help! She couldn't wait to tell Mina, but that would mean telling her, her secret of sneaking out just to see the magical Creatures. 'But that's my best friend, so it should be okay. Right?' Ami thought to herself.

She forgot Jimin was still waiting for an answer and composed herself. "Sure thing." She said cautiously, walking towards Jimin. "So first what you want to do is show your respect by bowing to it. You must keep eye contact at all times without a single blink. Wait for Buckbeak to bow back and then you can approach. Hippogriffs are proud creatures and should be the first to make the move." Ami reached her hand towards Jimin so he could take it and he nervously did.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had to be careful around buckbeak for Jimin's safety, she would have been fangirling on the inside because she was holding The Park Jimin's hand, his hand was soft and small compared to the other guys hands but with hers, his hand was slightly bigger than hers.

She moved him a bit closer, at a safe distance for him to try. "You want to make sure you don't offend it or it will attack. I learned the hard way my third year." She gave a soft chuckle thinking about the time buckbeak nearly crushed her. She made it out safely with only a couple scratches. She stepped away and turned towards Buckbeak. "Alright, give it a try. I'll be right here in case anything happens."

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