Date (4)

16 1 0

Levi's POV:

I walked out onto my balcony with an unlit cigarette between my lips. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared down at my phone, I expected Eren to have text me by now. I sighed and pulled out my lighter burning the end of the cigarette away as I took a long drag from it not caring when it hurt my throat a bit.

Why hasn't he texted yet, Mikasa said they are already at home....

Almost as if he new what I was thinking my phone pinged and light up. An unknown number popped up with a text bubble under it. I quickly added his contact and read the text.

Eren: Hi Levi, its Eren from earlier, it was nice meeting you today and thank you for listening to my song.

Me: Hey, yeah it was nice meeting you too, anytime. Also I meant what I wrote earlier you have a great ass.

I smirked knowing that would probably embarrass him a little bit. A few minutes passed and I finished my cigarette before heading inside. A reply finally comes through and I flop down onto my bed getting comfortable in the sheets before opening it.

Eren: Thanks. I guess... Your arms are amazing I love your tattoos. I have a few myself.

Me: are you embarrassed Eren? Thank you I exercise a lot and all my tattoos have some sort of meaning behind them. Can I see yours? Send me a picture of them.

Eren: Sure but only the ones on my arms.

Me: Cool.

I wonder if he's got anything anywhere else maybe a piercing.
Why just his arms I would love to see if he has any on his chest, he might be nervous...  I wait for a short time when three photos pop up on the message thread.

The first is of his right forearm, he has a tattoo of two snakes twisted together in the shape of an infinity loop. The second is of his left bicep, which I might add is pretty muscular, the tattoo is of an angel with big fluffy looking wings her brown hair tied back to the side, she's very beautiful in her long dress. Looks like this one is inportnant to him it's very well looked after better than his snake tattoo, I think as I click on the other photo. It's of his left forearm, it's a wolf howling I smirk knowing I have a tattoo just like this on my left peck.

Me: Nice. I like the wolf one.

Eren: Thank you, I saw yours in a photograph and decided to get one that was similar to it.

Me: I had a feeling that was why you got it. So you like me with my top off then?

I smirked knowing he could have only seen it in a shirtless photo of me.

Eren: Well yeah your not very hard to miss with our shirt off. Lol.

Me: I do try my best. So do you have any more tattoos?

Eren: Yes I do but I'm not go to show you those ones, they are mine to keep to myself for now.

Me: Fair enough, it's late I'm gonna get some sleep.
Goodnight Eren x

Eren: Sleep well Levi x

He returned the small text kiss and I smiled a bit.

I led back in my bed and looked up at the ceiling knowing full well I wouldn't get much sleep that night. I feeling of guilt pulled at my heart but it soon passed when I thought of his face smiling, he would be glad I'm moving on.

The next day....

Grogilly I roll over to be blinded by the sun being in through the curtains I neglected to close the previous night. I groaned and rolled over onto my chest pulling the pillow closer to my face with my arms tucked under it.

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