Will you come on tour with me? (16)

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Eren's POV:

Its been a few months since my trip to the hospital, Levi and I made our relationship 'official' a week after I got home, its now early May and I have never been better. I have Levi and he has helped get my art into a gallery and a lot of them have been sold. It feels so good to know that people actually enjoy it and liked it so much they bought it. We have also both quit smoking and are feeling much better for it and also for having saved a ton of money.

Levi and I were currently sat in his apartment cuddling with some music playing in the background. Slowly Levi's hands made it up into my hair as I rested my head on his lap, the feeling was amazing and caused butterflies to flit around in my stomach in a comforting way. Suddenly the movement stopped, I looked up to Levi to see he had a look of hard concentration. His eye brows furrowed and he wore a scowl that I hadn't seen for some time.

"Hey what are you thinking about baby? " I asked as I sat up facing him.

"Hanji and Erwin have booked us a six month tour starting June and finishing in December," he spoke sighing at the end.

"That's great though right? Where are you going? " I smiled resting my head on his shoulder and holding his hand in mine.

"Yeah its great it means the band gets more publicity , but I don't want to go on another tour just yet. I mean we got back from our last one the week before your birthday and I wouldn't want to leave you here for six months. We're going all over Europe and finishing off in the UK. " Levi sighed getting more and more frustrated as he spoke.

"I'll be okay love, don't think of it as going on tour think of it as going to play your music with your band then it will fly by if you have fun, '' I whispered in the hopes to cheer him up about the idea a little bit.

"I could always try to pull some strings with Erwin and see if you can come with me, I would really love for you to join me. I mean if you don't want to don't worry, " he whispered the last part suddenly becoming a little nervous that I would say no.

I quickly sat up and looked at him with a smile before leaning down and kissing him delicately, " I would love to come with you. "

"Okay I'm gonna go call Erwin can you make me some tea for when I get back ? " Levi asked as he stood up from the sofa.

"Of course love. "

Levi's POV:

I quickly looked for Erwin's contact and smirked when I found it 'Eyebrows' I clicked it and waited for an answer. He answered after the third ring.

"Hey Levi, you okay?" Erwin asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. So I spoke to Eren about the tour and I was wondering if he would be able to come with us? I don't want to leave him stuck here for six months," I replied quickly wanting to get straight to business.

"Yeah I can do that, to be honest I was going to ask you if he was coming or not. Whilst I'm on the subject of him coming with, have you two made it official yet? If you have maybe we can get him a bit more involved in some of the PR stuff it might help him out with his own career," Erwin suggested I could practically hear the cogs moving in his head.

"Yeah we have we made it official a week after Eren got out the hospital we've just kept it quiet because you know what the paparazzi are like when they find out any of us get into a relationship, you remember all the shit Petra went through when she got with that prick Dan," I spoke getting worried about what could happen with Eren, " I'll ask him if he wants to be involved in a sec, what PR stuff will he be getting involved with?"

"That's great Levi I'm happy for you, I know we'll be more careful this time and yeah just the usual stuff; interviews, photoshoots... Stuff like that.

"Okay I'll ask him give me a sec."

I moved the phone away from my ear and called to Eren who was in the kitchen making us some tea, "babe Erwin says you can come with us and he wanted to know if you wanted to get involved in the PR stuff, interviews and what not, you in?"

He looked at me and smiled before calling back," Would love to babe."

"This will mean making us public you okay with that?"

"Yeah. I mean lets be honest everyone knows we're together because of Particles and me kissing you and crying on stage so Its pretty obvious anyways," He replied with a smile and a shrug.

I smiled back before blowing him a kiss, he caught it and sent one back which I caught before going back to my phone.

"He's in, so when do we definitely leave?"

I heard some paper moving on the other end of the phone," Um we are leaving on the 10th of June and coming back on the 10th of December so we can get well before Christmas."

"Cool, alright thanks Eyebrows. I'll see ya around."

"Will you stop calling me that," He sighed down the phone.

"Nope!" I spoke popping the P just to annoy him some more.

"I knew you would say that, alright take care, talk soon," He spoke calmly before hanging up the call.

I walked back into the living room and smiled as the smell of tea and biscuits flooded my nose.

Eren sat on the sofa with his legs crossed smiling as I sat next to him, he snuggled up to my chest before gently pecking me on the cheek. I picked up my tea cup and took a long sip as Eren flipped through hi playlist trying to find the perfect playlist for our calm afternoon. Softly the sound of Starry eyes by Cigarettes after sex began flowing through the apartment and I instantly settled into the sofa more. Eren passed me my book and opened up his reading app on his phone we both sat there in comfortable silence with the soft bass of the music playing as we enjoyed our books.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Lovelies,

Wow it certainly has been a while since I've updated this fic and I apologise Uni has been crazy these last few weeks.

The song that is played at the end of this chapter is Starry Eyes by Cigarettes after sex its a beautiful song and their music is amazing you should check them out!

Take care and see you in the next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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