2 - Erant simulans

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Ataraxia was getting ready for breakfast. She didn't sleep extremely nice that night, numerous thoughts were going through her mind. The last days at the Malfoys' has not been easy for her. One night, she overheard a discussion between the Death Eaters. They seemed to argue over the relation between Ataraxia and the Dark Lord. What resulted of this day was that they were now divided into two groups: The ones fearing the Dark Lord and ditching Ataraxia, versus those who believed that pursuing a great relationship with the young Ó Mordha was not trouble. The Malfoys were not part of these ones.

She put her Slytherin's robe and watch herself in the mirror. She touched her neck, analysing the few green and purple scales on her skin. Ataraxia smiled, she felt safe. But she couldn't let this appear everytime, thus, within seconds, she muttered "gone" in Parselmouth and watched it as it disappeared.

Ataraxia left her dorm which she shares with Willow Avery, her best friend since child. Avery's father was one of the Death Eaters who supported Ataraxia.
She was heading to their Common Room when she saw Willow waiting for her next to the fireplace. A long tall and blond with brown eyes boy was standing besides her. Alphée L. Clemens. One of their closest friend.

"Ready to eat guys?", she questionned with a large smile on her face.

"Took you long Rax", commented Alphée. The girl rolled her eyes, and dragged them to the Great Hall. They sat on the Slytherin's table and started to eat.

Alphée took a slice of french pain perdu and put it on his browned hair friend's plate. "Your favorite", he said softly.

She smiled, Willow and Alphée knew that she had some tough times. Ataraxia were glad their parents still appreciated her, or else, she would have lost her best friends and be as alone as ever. "Although, I did loose one of my best friends", Ataraxia thought as she looked briefly at the boy who was seating at the other side of the table, talking and acting as if he was the figurehead of their house. She whispered and thanked Alphée. She wasn't especially hungry but she didn't want to worry her friends, so she ate what was on her plate.

"Hello traitors, nice sleep ?"

The three friends raised their heads as they recognized this voice.

"Just go away Malfoy", murmured Willow, a bothered look on her face.
"I was just greeting, Avery, no need to be agressive" groaned Draco.

Ataraxia's eyes closed and her tongue flicked. She was being irritated by Malfoy's precense. But she soothens when she heard Avery's voice and managed to open her eyes without any alteration.

"Disgusting", Pansy spoke as she stood next to Draco. Malfoy quickly looked at Parkinson, then slowly to Ataraxia. "I agree" he answered then looked ahead to avoid his old childhood friend's gaze.

"Oh please Pansy, don't you mind if I.." Ataraxia started as her tongue, in her snape form, caught Pansy's wrist. Parkinson screamed because her ennemie's tongue was slowly burning her skin. "Cut that fucking disgusting tongue Malfoy, do something" she shouted while everyone in the Great Hall were laughing.

She stopped and within a few seconds, her human tongue was back. "Disgusting isn't it?" she counterbacked before leaving, casting a black eye on her old Slytherins friends.

Alphée and Willow tried to follow her as she was running quickly to the abandoned washrooms. She sat on the floor and her friends slowly drew closer as they sat beside her.

"Are you alright?" asked the boy. Ataraxia nodded. "I didn't know you could use it without your snaky eyes" he continued, quite amazed.
Ataraxia chuckled. "Yeah I figured it out this summer. But I guess I always knew", she replied.

"It was awesome. That look on Pansy's ugly face was priceless", added Willow.

They all burst out in laughters, all three trying to hide deep inside the fear of other Slytherins' students turning against her.

Erant simulans

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Erant simulans.

(They were pretending)

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