0700 Hours

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The recorder flashes a red beacon on the table.

Rheon: It is such an honor to be speaking with you.

1MNYRB: There is nothing honorable about my life Mr. Rheon.

Rheon: There is a novels worth of things that are honorable about you, Truly, you are fantastic. I'm a huge fan of yours, I have got to say. The way you carry yourself after all of the adversity you have faced. I could not imagine-

1MNYRB: Do you have questions for me Mr. Rheon, or did you come all this way just to fangirl? I have a very limited amount of time to discuss the nature of what you have come here to discuss, so if you wouldn't mind, I would like to get on with this.

Rheon: Ye-yes, of course. My apologies. I have many questions related to how you met Mr. President.

1MNYRB: Many people do. I'd be concerned if you didn't.

Rheon: What was your first interaction like?

1MNYRB: It was September 4th of year one.

Rheon: I'm sorry, but what exactly is the significance of September 4th of year one?

1MNYRB: You want a memoir sir?

Rheon: I do. 

1MNYRB: If we are going to start with how I met Mr. President, then we will start on September 4th of year one.

Rheon: I am all ears.

1MNYRB: I apologize in advance; Mr. President does a good job at making me seem like a nice person. I am doing this as a courtesy to him. Most people have this preconceived notion that I love the movement that I created. People think I love people. I don't. I hate most people. I hold love for a select few souls on this earth, and I heavily dislike the rest. You will catch on fast that I am a nasty person in my memories, I am not the hero. I am a monster.

Rheon: Mr. President holds you with such high regard.

1MNYRB: Mr. President went through Hell with me. I don't think anyone would understand our relationship. Our lives can never be recreated. Not on paper, not on film. You can't replicate the emotions we have gone through. He romanticizes the idea, whereas I despise it. To be frank with you, Rheon, I despise the idea of recounting my darkest days. I am doing this because I wish to repay the debts I have with Mr. President, and this is one of the only ways he has expressed I can do that for him. I highly doubt this will amount to much, but my efforts alone seem to please him, and I owe him a lot of happiness for my past actions.

Rheon: Mr. President requested to get the whole story. He wants your story to be known.

1MNYRB: You have been warned. I will start on September 4th of year one.

Rheon: With all due respect, by September 4th of year one the rebellion had already been well underway. Mr. President requested the whole story.

1MNYRB: Well I was born six pounds-

Rheon: I don't mean to interrupt, but I believe he wants the story from when news of the virus hit.

1MNYRB: Not for love or money will I relive the most painful days of my existence. That part of me died the day I buried the last of my family.

Rheon: What day was that?

1MNYRB: September 4th of year one.

Rheon: How will I get the rest of the story?

1MNYRB: Dig up my past, ask those who experienced those days beside me.

Rheon: You can't rehash memories with dead people.

1MNYRB: I won't relive it. I have my limits.

Rheon: Fair enough, I will just have to ask Mr. President at a later date.

1MNYRB: You'd be surprised at what you can dig up. Now if it's okay with you, I think I'll start my story on September 4th of year one.

Rheon: As you wish.

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