1400 Hours

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It's a chirp. Almost as if the beacon resembles a bird... A bird with a red... blinking... eye...

Rheon: The cops were supporter, weren't they?

1MNYRB: No. No mother would leave their babies in the hands of the other side.

Rheon: Was someone upstairs?

1MNYRB: I never asked now that I think about it. I would have no way of knowing. The three who went up there lived to see another day, so I would assume not.

Rheon: What was the broken glass noise from?

1MNYRB: The windows breaking. My last memory of that day was Ash's face... Ash's face as he turned the static radio on as I blacked out. That radio static would prove to be a blessing and a curse. I remember his face well...

Rheon: Then what happened next?

1MNYRB: Before I go further, I need you to understand that the next part is graphic, and I am only willing to share this because I need to people to understand how horrific these people can be.

Rheon: Do I really want to know?

1MNYRB: No. You don't. Nobody wants to know what happened to me.

Rheon: Should I include this in the memoir?

1MNYRB: You should put a disclaimer in the memoir for all those who read it. It could trigger people.

Rheon: I understand.

1MNYRB: I don't think you do. I'm being serious. September 11th of year One was bad.

Rheon: War graphic bad?

1MNYRB: If by the War you mean the war on women, then yes.

Rheon: I don't follow...

1MNYRB: It was the third worst day in my life. The things that occurred in the months following September 11th of year One will forever stick in my mind. I sacrificed my mental health for the cause in ways no person should ever go through. I sacrificed everything I could for family, and that's the main gist of my time spent in those terrible months.

Rheon: What happened on September 11th of year One?

Remains Brave {New War Series Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now