0900 Hours

1 0 0

The clock ticks in unison with the beacon on the recorder still sitting on the desk.

Rheon: Did thinking about the journal make you sleep better?

1MNYRB: Sometimes when people face the worst time the world, they choose to visit the good things left for their minds to think about. A coping mechanism as you will.

Rheon: Do you still have PTSD?

1MNYRB: Memories never die, my friend.

Rheon: Did Mr. Mike Floyd ever join the fight? Or did he stay to raise his child?

1MNYRB: Kay and Mike ended up have five more children within years two through seven. Mike was quite busy repopulating the earth for the future advancement of the Mutt cause.

Rheon: Did any of their children succumb to biological warfare in the following years?

1MNYRB: These should be questions you ask Mr. and Mrs. Floyd.

Rheon: I wasn't sure if you knew.

1MNYRB: Despite being a younger couple, the Floyds were fantastic parents. Their first child was fourteen months old when the second wave came through. It was an unfortunate timing. His vaccination schedule fell in the window where they gave the risky vaccine to all children. He didn't contract the virus, it was injected. The government killed their baby. The children who followed were not injected with the virus, and when their third child contracted it, she survived it without any sort of complications.

Rheon: Was it common for people to have that many children within the first few years?

1MNYRB: I didn't go survey Mr. Rheon. Those with the resources to feed families did their part in repopulating if they so felt the need or desire to.

Rheon: Did you feel-

1MNYRB: It takes two to tango, ask the other contributing party for more forthcoming information on the matter.

Rheon: You-

1MNYRB: I suggest we move on Mr. Rheon.

Rheon: I did not mean to pry. What happened the next morning at the Floyds?

Remains Brave {New War Series Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now