1100 Hours

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It mocks me. That beacon mocks me. Every flash mocks me.

Rheon: My mother had my number tattooed to my foot as a newborn.

1MNYRB: My mother had always despised tattoos, but at the time I felt impowered. It was meant to be a kind symbolism of justice. I hated when it became an identification number, but then again it helped the war immensely for the Rebel's, so I tried not to voice my thoughts on it. After the fact when I viewed children and infants flashing the ink, it gave me unsettling feelings. I have never been a proponent of deciding what the youth of this country should believe. Whether it be religion, sexuality, or career path. Labels cause problems, and I like peace. Tattoos are permanent statements and voice the opinions of those who surround you. If someone wishes to go Benefactor now, I wouldn't fight their leave. In no way am I in charge of what other people believe.

Rheon: I suppose you're right. Do you believe in God?

1MNYRB: I believe that if there is such an almighty power, they should crack down on the morally evil, and stop killing innocent children. Would you not agree?

Rheon: Injustice is injustice is injustice... Do you believe in religious schooling?

1MNYRB: I see nothing wrong with education, however I do have a problem with forcing teenagers to believe in something and I don't agree with parents belittling their children for not thinking the same as they do. Opinions should be made from a soul's own experiences and emotions, not the forced biases preached in some households and places of worship. A Muslim should be able to convert to Christianity and vise versa without their flesh and blood despising them. If acceptance and forgiveness is preached, they should be accepting of change for loved ones. What does this have to do with the memoir?

Rheon: I am trying to crack your mind.

1MNYRB: I don't need a shrink, and you don't seem qualified even if I were to want one.

Rheon: Mr. President wanted a deep insight from you on the War, I was only trying to dig deeper for his sake.

1MNYRB: I'm wary of telling you these things.

Rheon: Why is that.

1MNYRB: When memoirs of influential people are released, there are always those who read the things said and treat them as if that's how everyone should think. As a form of religious text requiring conversion to one person's thoughts specifically. It's a dangerous obsession that leads to weak minded people promoting dictatorship. Promoting ideas of one individual often leads to chaos. It's the exact reason Presidents prior to the war were treated the way they were. The war was a product of years of division, leading to each side choosing a different dictator to lead. Division of power became obsolete, and the Politian's became pawns of dictator ideals.

Rheon: You've been quoted saying the leaders were just the pawns of the rich, how does that work?

1MNYRB: Dictators have their pockets lined with the cash of those who play his puppet strings. The politicians are backed by the same rich. It was a two-way street.

Rheon: So, this is why you promote division of business and politics?

1MNYRB: I enforce the instant impeachment of new leaders being paid by large companies, yes. The leaders who gain over 500,000 signatures from supporting citizens are given the same amount of campaign funds for their run for offices.

Rheon: Politics is a business though.

1MNYRB: My views on business and politics are widely known. A memoir of the war does not need a dissertation on my current views.

Rheon: I understand.

1MNYRB: Would you like me to continue?

Rheon: I would love for you to.

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