1200 Hours

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It's hard to tell whether the beacon light has either sped up or slowed down.

Rheon: Did Mr. Treyvon Sanderson get out in time?

1MNYRB: War is a nasty thing.

Rheon: That's terrible.

1MNYRB: He was so gentle and kind.

Rheon: Were you angry?

1MNYRB: There is not a day that goes by that I'm not angry.

Rheon: Is that why Mr. President named the First Office after him?

1MNYRB: It was the right thing to do. He left a permanent mark on all of us, so he deserved a permanent mark in honor of his memory.

Rheon: You added A "TS" below the tattoo on your wrist I see.

1MNYRB: He forever is remembered on my skin. On all of our arms a "TS" is added below the original work of his.

Rheon: Do you have any other tattoos?

1MNYRB: My left side over my ribs is a list of my family members who I had to bury.

Rheon: I see... Did you dream about the diary every night?

1MNYRB: That diary held everything I cared about. That diary was the reason I was alive. My memories written in that book and the evil events that occurred kept me going forward.

Rheon: What I would do for a glimpse inside that book.

1MNYRB: Marino library was the second to last stop before Roanoke.

Rheon: Is that where the diary is?

1MNYRB: No, but that's where I met back up with Tezi.

Rheon: Does Mr. Marino have the diary?

1MNYRB: No, but he has my book collection. My favorite books from the years.

Rheon: You are quite well read.

1MNYRB: That's not a question. Tezi and I used to share books related to philosophy. We liked to debated religion, politics, social problems and how we envisioned the future. We didn't always agree, but we had some of my favorite intellectual conversations to date.

Rheon: He has his PhD.

1MNYRB: Tezi is one of the smartest men I know. His knowledge of German and Greek philosophy is impressive. I could have conversations with him all day.

Rheon: "The Roots of Our Freedom". I remember reading that somewhere.

1MNYRB: It's been added to my first novel.

Rheon: Ahh. That must be it. I knew it wasn't in the second book. That one is my favorite. A lot more action than the first.

1MNYRB: That it does. I had a lot more fun writing the second one. Can we get back to my story?

Rheon: Of course. What happened when you woke up?

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