Chapter 4: Nightjohn

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September 7th, One

"A person can fall into a deep sleep when fighting to repair itself. She will probably come to soon. Dak you should sleep. Roc understands that she's going to be fine. It could've been a lot worse, but she's strong and smart. Having you sleep deprived won't help the group when we need to leave later. Toni said we would miss our shot if we didn't leave at the right time. Getting over the border is a one-shot thing that requires us to pass through right at shift change," Erik says from beside me.

I keep my eyes closed. If I were to sit up, Dak would stay awake. He had already done too much for me. He was going to make me look weak, damnit. I feel fuzzy.

"I heard what he said. I can just take the later sleep shift. Or I could sleep on the trucks. I want to be awake when she wakes up," Dak says on the other side of the table.

"She doesn't look like she will be waking up for a few hours. I will tell her to go see you when she wakes up. Jax wants you to sleep first shift. Mike told me you are just as much a leading force as she is. The four of you need to be in the best shape on the risky moves of the group. She could still be asleep by the time you wake back up," Erik replies.

"Fine. Send her over when she wakes up. She is important," Dak says before I hear him stalk out. I hear Erik sigh, and then he goes back inspecting my wound.

"He cares too much for a war. It will probably get him killed," he says to himself.

"That's what I've been saying," I say quietly, and open my right eye to look at him. He's smirking back.

"I was glad you didn't sit up when you woke up. He has been up my ass for the past few hours," he whispers back.

"He is stubborn. I'm sorry for being a trouble to you," I say to him, and he shakes his head.

"I'm trained to do this. Its fine, the boy is alive because of you," he says, and I let out a sigh.

"Tasos is dead because of me. I should've knocked on the door instead. The man was a Mutt. I left a child without its father, a mother without her husband. I deserved this," I whisper back while motioning to my shoulder.

"It could've been a Bene. You did the right thing. People die in war," he says while poking at something in my flesh. I flinch at the sting that sends pain down my hand and back up.

"I should've kept the kids back and gone in myself," I say through gritted teeth.

"You taught Grif the reality of war. The boy now knows his life is in danger. I think he plans on staying here with Toni and Jule. Its safer for him, and far enough away to keep him safe," he says while nodding at whoever was standing in the doorway.

"Does she know about the truck schedule?" Toni asks from out of my view. I use my good arm to prop myself up to look at him.

"Yeah I heard," I say, when I look out the door, I see hundreds of people sitting in the open arena.

"We have around fifteen hundred soldiers sitting outside wanting to see you," he says. I look at my shoulder and see gash. Its about four inches long. The hole that was there before I passed out is now sutured up in a messy line.

"I was about to wrap it when you came too. It should heal in a few weeks as long as it doesn't get infected," Erik tells me while washing his hands.

"I should be fine," I say. He walks back over to me and sets a clean gauze pad over my wound, and then takes medical tape to keep the gauze in place. Then he wraps my shoulder in an ace wrap.

"I think I'll wait to go out in front of everyone when the guys wake up," I say to Toni, and he nods.

"I can go get them," he says but I shake my head.

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