Reaction-You Stealing Her Hoodie-tzuyu

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You had done it multiple times before. Stealing your girlfriends hoodie that is. You also knew that you had made her mad multiple times throughout carrying this act. Tzuyu has always been like that though, way to scary for you to handle so you end up throwing it back at her before she can even get close to you. It happens at least twice a week.

I scurry through my girlfriends closet, damn... So many clothes. I slide each dress, shirt, jacket to the side as I stay focused on looking for this one thing in particular.

My hand rests on its fine midnight blue layers, it's so soft from the outside but even more so on the inside.

I snatch the hoodie into my grasp before sliding it down onto my own body, being greeted with something warm and enjoyable is more than I can say for Tzuyu. When ever I come home she's on her phone or asleep, sometimes she's sitting and staring at the TV.

I release a small smile at the comfort before flopping onto our bed. Tzuyu won't be home for another few hours so I've got time to relax. I grab my phone and enter my Instagram to clear all my notifications.

--three hours later-

I blink a few times as my phone shuts down on me. I was mid-way through watching a YouTube video! Stupid phone mewh, so mean to me some times.

I jump out of the comfort of my own bed, feeling a little hungry. Whilst walking to the kitchen however, I notice something in the corner of my eye. I turn my attention to the thing I had just saw and see tzuyu?

She's sitting on the couch with a slight slouch in her position, she's staring at the television with her same old bored expression. She'd be one amazing mime.

I guess she had also noticed me since her head spins around, as if she's an owl or something, in a creepy way. I give her a sheepish smile before backing away into the kitchen, forgetting that I have HER expensive hoodie on.

I pull out the bread and peanut butter (or what ever you'd like) before creating my favourite snack to eat around about this time of day. I grab the sandwich and shove some into my mouth before chewing on it.

"excuse me but what are you doing?"

I turn around to see tzuyu standing at the wooden door frame. She pushes herself off of the wall and begins to walk towards me slowly, also making me walk backwards, around the kitchen island and to wards the exit of the kitchen. My eyes never leave hers as I walk into the living room.

Being the clumsy cluts that I am, I walk directly into the couch, making me fall and land on the soft pillows that are currently occupying areas of the said furniture. I watch as tzuyu stands by my feet with the same expression that somehow never leaves her body part called a face.

How the heck did she even ask me out without breaking that expression? Even after I said yes and everything... makes me think, does she even love me? Ha, of course, who wouldn't love a hoodie stealing girlfriend such as myself!

"what are you wearing?" her voice sounds deeper than normal, I already know what's coming next. My breathing hitches slightly, I automatically grab the pillows and begin to throw them at my 'oh so loving' girlfriend.

It dosnt take long to run out of pillows so I sprint out of that room and into our bedroom once again, this is a darn repeat of last night. Let's just hope I don't end up sleeping on the floor this time round.

A knock at the door echoes through the silent bedroom. My heart beat dramatically intensifies by a thousand.

"YAH, DON'T MURDER ME!" I yell towards the door, knowing she's still at the other side because of the dark shadow at the bottom of the door.

"Open up y/n"

I grab my phone and turn it on, hopefully it has some what of a charge now. Its been on charge for at least ten minutes or so. Once it was on I immediately dial a special and very gay person for help...

"y/n, why are you calling?"

"ah please help me..."

"hoodie incident again?"


"on my way"

The call hangs up... And now I wait...

"y/n open the door before I bust it open" tzuyu voice rings through the room but a knock distracts me. I look to the window and see a head pop up. I smile and open the window, helping her climb inside.

"wait.... How did you get up here... Its the third floor. " I honestly feel so confused right now. She hushes me as she shoves me I to the closet and goes to the door.

I watch carefully as she opens the door, I watch as tzuyu face goes into complete confusion at the sight of sana. I would be confused to if my girlfriend suddenly pops up as one of my friends instead.

"where is she sana?"

"What do yo- huh, don't you recognize me? I'm y/n" sana giggles.

I close my eyes, trying to block everything out but unfortunately a hand grabs me and drags me into a whole new room.

I could tell it was my girlfriend since sana never drags me anywhere, even If she's just seen the cutest animal to ever exist! Come to think of it... she wouldn't drag me even if she wanted cuddles.

I smack her hand away from me and shove the hoodie into her face before running back to my room and locking the door. Only me and sana again.

Soon after I could hear nothing, assuming tzuyu is gone I invite sana to stay the night for dinner as a thanks, even if it didn't work out as well as I had hoped.

She accepts but only once I agree to get her her favourite meal and allow her to sleep in the most comfortable guest room in the entire house hold.

At least I learnt that sana is just good for one thing, being flirty only...

Oh and to help me pick up girls when Tzuyus not home.....


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