Morning Wishes - Nayeon

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I sit at my dinning table, alone. A silence so silent that the only thing that is possible to hear is the faint buzzing from within. I used to sit here with someone, someone special to me. Someone who loved me and I loved back. She used to throw this silence away and instead replace it with laughter and giggles.

I close my eyes remembering all the distant memories of us two together. The girl who I loved for years, admired her for most of them. She was so beautiful and caring, still is... She was so loving and kind, but not to me anymore.

Im Nayeon, someone who I wish I could be with just one last time. Someone who hurt me, it was painful if I'm honest, why wouldn't it hurt? It felt like she had ripped my heart out and crushed it right infront of my very eyes. Its the worst feeling in the world, to have your heart broken then be forced to watch that person you once love be with someone else.

Now she's with someone new, someone who will never love her the same way I did. Someone who will never respect her the same way I did. I gave her my time, my attention, my life, my love and she did the same, but not for long enough.

I swore my entire life that I'd love her till the end but she had to end it too early. She was my everything but now she's nothing more than  a distant memory, a thing of the past.

I stand up from the table and make my way to my bathroom, wiping my eyes on my way to the room. I stare at myself in the mirror as tears threaten to fall again.

Im Nayeon, someone who I thought was the greatest person to ever exist. She's the one I though was meant for me, my soulmate... I guess that's another belief gone out the window.


I turn but my visions blurred so I can't see who's here with me.


The familiar voice calls again before my vision goes completely dark.

I open my eyes, forcing myself up against the wooden headboard of my bed. My breathing ragged and my sweat making its way down my body and onto the bed sheets. The time is currently 4:02AM

"y/n, why are you crying?" I turn my head to the right and see nayeon in her pj's looking really tired and cute at the same time.

I leap forwards and tackle her into a massive warm hug. My tears carelessly fall onto her soft skin as I nuzzle my head into her neck. "n-no reason"

I close my eyes tightly, the only thing I remember before falling into a illusion called a dream or a nightmare was the soft words of nayeon saying I love you and the faint sound of my wishes being granted. My second chance possibly?

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